StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

I thought about posting a nice, respectable picture of JGL, but after seeing that the top picture is Miley (again), I decided that Jezzie's NEEDED it.

JGL is doing an AMA on Reddit right now.

I really don't want to sit through on/off shenanigans for seasons between Jessica and Nick.

How could you do this to a kid, Star Magazine?

I wonder what the DG National Chapter has to say about this...

Americans really seem to love their lesbian-hosted afternoon talk shows. Ellen, Rosie, Queen Latifah, Sally Jesse and Oprah.

Zoo bee zoo be zooooo!

Hmmm.... he doesn't want to be in advertising anymore though.

The only acceptable Mad Men spin-off will include Joan and Pete (and who else?) running off to the West Coast to start the L.A. office.

Welcome to Beyoglu, bitch.

You better commute, bitch.

Simply, there is no god.

'Don't Trust the B' was pure genius. It will be appreciated in a few years.

I'm just going to go ahead and say it: I never liked Jim and Pam.

She stole Miley's hair. Just kidding.

4-minute workout? Works for me.

It's a sin that I had to wait 24-hours for this.

Just when I forget about how much I adore(d) her... BOOM! Back in the game.