StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

I had the two best grandparents ever. RIP! Wish I believed in heaven so that I can see you two again.

No one listens to Howard Stern anymore because he only did 4 live shows in the month of August.

That sucked. Reminded me that I've burned through all the OISTNB and there isn't anything entertaining around.


Brooke has a brief memory. It wasn't that long ago she was called trashy and desperate.

Does Ohio not visit PornHub?

Am I the only one that thinks the Chelsea car selfie looks completely faked? The hair doesn't have the same distortion a as the face and background.

Blink, lady! It's unnerving.

20-something? I'm 30-something and I want to see some NSYNC. I don't own a television, but I can't wait to see their performance when it hits the internet.

Madonna wearing a grill, you say?

I always thought I saw penises in that Prison Break tattoo.

What's his origin story?

MTO is fairly established and has "broken" several stories, including Kim Kardashian’s pregnancy. Why is Jezebel throwing shade at "one of the most highly trafficked African-American-centric gossip sites in the world" (NY Times)? Hell, I learned about MTO from Jezebel.

Oprah without the magic looks very different from the Oprah plastered on magazines.

Celebrity smokers pic post!

The Co$ will probably start to release tons of Remini gossip, like she did coke with Halle Berry on the set of 'Living Dolls'.

He should do a rap duet with his daughter.