StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

Fuck, I'm getting old. I'm not going to watch them goof on a 19-year-old woman who was kidnapped and sexually abused.

Jareth, The Goblin King, is not impressed.

I don't get people spending thousands and thousands of dollars they don't have on a big party.

Stallone/Willis beef goes back to bad Planet Hollywood investments....

I'm rooting for you Lindsay. If Drew Barrymore can pull her shit together, you can too, girl!

Can you paint with all the colors in the wind....

He is the best thing about Revenge.

Can JVDB play this part? I think he can....

When P&R comes to an end, I'd really like for them to give her a spin-off series.

Go get that head shaved because Andrew Dice Clay's work in "Blue Jasmine" is one of the best performances this year. Check it out before you judge. He's going to get the same reception that Travolta received during Pulp Fiction's award season.

Girl he was dating since they were 12? Does that ever work?

Not 'shopped.

The ONLY 'Downton Abbey' picture we ever need to see.

Sounds like Fefe needs a Kiki.

Especially when said ADULT has their own damn money.

I could see Anne Heche in this.

Is her kid in the stroller?

Pumpkin chucker.

From what I've read here and there, I'm really impressed with the way Mama June is handling the money.