My heart goes out to Lea Michele since she'll have to act out her characters grief while mourning Cory. Hopefully the writers will let her add her input.
My heart goes out to Lea Michele since she'll have to act out her characters grief while mourning Cory. Hopefully the writers will let her add her input.
Interesting. Do you have a link to more info?
Just so much emotion in here, it is refreshing to see a rational post.
I think Jim Carey has the tattooed other half.
That film does not get the credit it deserved.
Hope we don't see a Stephenie Meyer/making of Twilight biopic in 60 years.
That's the ticket. Thanks!
Where have I heard that name Cricket before?...
Ohhhh! I didn't realize there are 2 Lovelace films. Jeez.
I watched that 'Lovelace' trailer and imagined Lohan in each scene. Wonder how she would have done in the film.....
Carrots = penis.
Wardrobe personnel always seem to forget to dress Ms. Wilde in a bra.
I love her teeth. I want to take a screencap of her smile and bring it to my dentist.
I was ready to write about my outrage over Paulna Deen, but then I read that sexy bit about Armie Hammer.... my mind is now mush.
'Sex Kitten' programming gone bad?
The 'Crazy' video always looked like it was so much fun to make.
Nearly every other photo of her taken over the last 5 years has been in that shirt. At this point, I now firmly believe she has multiples of the same 3 Wolf shirt.