StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

Why is Amanda wearing that awful wig? I think she looks adorable with the short hair. Sadly, we have to see this new look via mug shot.

Did they 'shop his eyes? They look so captivating.

Emancipation of teens is a big $cientology practice. Makes me laugh when you compare it to their billion year contract requirement.

This is actually what I have anxiety dreams about some nights.

Well, I guess 05/16/2013 is the day that I'm officially OLD. The shirt is ugly and inappropriate — and I'm far from a prude. Show some respect for yourself and the others around you, Rihanna.

Size of BJ Novak's penis?

Perhaps Rannells will end up on Glee next season (part of the NYC storyline)?

Looks like Dakota Fannings sister.

I got a hammer toe and bunion just looking at them.

Those goblin faces are exactly how I imagined HIV looked under a microscope as a kid in the mid-80s.

I keep thinking of the photo of her swollen feet in these shoes. Why do that to yourself!!

Let me get this straight, you are saying that the role should go to James Franco?

$cientology's vindictive nature aside, I wonder if there was ever a moment in Travolta's career where he could have came out publicly and still maintained the level of stardom/success. Could he have came out post-Pulp Fiction and still land Face/Off?

Oh, Ian Somerhalder thinks he can be that dude from that book that they're going to make into a movie? That's rich. The only guy I envision for that part (mind you, all I know about the book is based solely on Jezebel comments), is this one... and he's laughing at you, Ian.

I like to believe they had a 3-way.

Eugenics is more than forced sterilization.

Smells like Eugenics wrapped in a wrapper of empowerment.

Is this viral marketing for the new Star Trek movie?