StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

You know, if I wanted to be famous and would stop at nothing to achieve that goal, I'd hire Kris Jenner as my manager. She has crafted an empire out of loose associations and 'dat ass'. I'm sure there are agent and managerial types who will study her abilities in college decades from now.

I thought Amber Heard is a lesbian.

Jessica Simpson isn't even worth a page in Billy Corgan's autobiography. I hope the whole thing chronicles his 25 years of friendship with Courtney Love.

For those of us with Deadbeat Dads.... Father's Days suck. :/

Do Mormon parents have to give their children names like that so that the kid gets their own planet?

100% Jasmine.

I loved Rebel in that Juggahos episode of WORKAHOLICS.


I'm really grossed out by that whole Jacob/Baby imprinting thing I've heard about.

So people are still believing this?

Slideshow: The top 25 ‘black don’t crack’ celebrities

I never really respected Lance Armstrong to begin with. Always thought it was shitty how he dumped his wife once he hit it big.

I've played around with dream casting for Hunger Games 2 and I would have never thought of Cicely Tyson — but once I read that, I got chills. She would be great! The SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER scene will be so emotionally moving with that actress in the role.

I didn't get past the title of this article. "Rapey"??? Really. Why are you making it sound pseudo cutesy? I'm really disgusted.

I heard OctoMom on Howard Stern a few weeks ago. She said she enjoyed making the porno, orgasmed for the first time and will do it again. Doubt she was being truthful but she sounded like she was in the throws of mania.

Just think of the Muppets swag little Matilda has access to!

Isn't Eddie Izzard a little too young to play Grandpa Munster?

I love to hear about celebrities earning their GEDs because it really motivates adult GED students and removes some of the stigma. Back when I was a social worker for a free GED center in a very, very poor area, I used to keep a wall of celebrities who earned a GED. Wish I was still working there so I could put

They're dating, right?

Since she pals around with Mel Gibson, she's pretty much dead to me.