StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

I felt as though it was a wake up call for Don. He almost fell down the shaft blindly chasing after Megan. Time for him to start focusing.

Chekhov's Pete's-a-bad-driver....

More like: Pete, didn't your mother warn you about girls like Beth? She pushes him away, doesn't meet him and then draws a friggin' heart on the window.

No, I just wanted to hear from other women. I don't run in a circle that discusses it and I've enjoyed reading the thoughts of other women who are fans of the genre. Sorry for upsetting you and others. Yeesh.

Because you can expense report the wifi and food. Win win for everyone.

$200.3 million this weekend? I'm curious about what percentage of those sales were women seeing the film on their own volition. Personally, I have no interest in these films and I can't think of a single friend who is off to see this (birds of a feather).

Hillary "not running" is best symbolized with this .gif from last night's Mad Men. She pushes us away and then gives us a glimmer of hope....

I already do. Thanks for asking.

They thought they saw a bullet hole, but who knows if there actually was one.

Maybe our bodies know best? Perhaps a person is infertile because of carry the markers for other serious conditions.

I don't want to come across as heartless — but is there any chance he may have died while masturbating?

I doubt she has the phone numbers necessary to quickly have someone check his room.

So, what was really going on in Cartenga?

All women look like this in that faraway land...

You don't have to do it. Honestly, I'm surprised whatever faith they belong to allows a 17yo to be a godparent.

Nolan's wardrobe approves of a Revenge pic post!

It is. I'm going to dance to it at my wedding.

She can start doing porn with Octomom.

I imagined him as a Zap Brannigan type, so this yummy Jesse fellow is definitely a much welcomed choice.