StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

I have some really crunchy friends who have done all sorts of non-mainstream/socially unacceptable things during labor and delivery —- however, this take the cake.

A marriage started with a milkshake and ended with sherbet.

This episode made me want to try LSD.

Also, wear bike shorts under your cute festival skirts. Your inner thigh skin after 4 days in TN will thank you.

It all depends on who is checking you through. Sometimes you get cool people are who just volunteering to get a free festival ticket. Sometimes you get the local auxiliary police officer who finally has a venue to fulfill his authoritative fantasies. Plan for the worst, hope for the best.

Oh, you're right.

She's the low-rent version of Elisabeth Hasseleback and I don't know why she's a celebrity, but I'm still happy for them.

I've been to over 60 Phish shows. It's an art trying to get 4 beers back to your friends while weaving in and out of the dancing wooks and girls who need attention and hulu hoop.

Have fun at Bonnaroo! This will be the first year I'm not going. Getting too old for that Tennessee heat. If you need any Roo tips, let me know. :)

Newsflash, Chelsea Handler: Angelina Jolie doesn't even know who you are.

As a 10+ year festival veteran (and mother), I must admit that I HATE when people bring their babies and toddlers to festivals. Now, I know Ms. Silverstone isn't camping out of the back of her Subaru for 3 days like everyone else and is ushered away to the celebrity hotels, but still - leave the babies at home.

What a perfect gift for Chelsea from Teen Mom 2.

Passion of the Christ.

Is this what they're selling?

My mother is helping my lil' sister and her husband buy a house. I'm really trying to not be jealous and angry over it, but it's been very hard for me. My mother has never helped me. All my success has been on my own. It would have been nice if she slipped me some cash, especially during the phase I was a single

I was an academic advisor for a community college. Did you receive a formal charge of academic dishonesty? Have you looked at your college's catalog to see what your rights are? On the campus I used to work for, you would be able to present to an Academic Integrity Panel (made of 2 students, 2 professors and a

There's probably some development money out there for Apps that organize all your online dating profiles and your prospects.

I never want to read a negative blind item about her and Tom.

I didn't start smoking weed until I turned 30.

I had two uncles die from AIDS. Celebs, they're just like us!