StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

She left him in 1914. You go, girl!

Every time I read an Amanda Bynes blurb, I shake my fist at Dan Schneider!

$1 trillion USD in mineral wealth, at least...

She wants the Afghanis to control their own mineral wealth. Can't imagine her surviving for much longer.

Is that forreals?

Does anyone have a .pdf of the book? I read the free blurb and thought it was boring as fuck. Maybe if I read more, I'd enjoy it. I'm a broke grad student and can't afford to pay for smut, especially since [] and pornhub are free.

Every time they mention or show the rifle, I want to scream out "Chekhov's Gun!"

That Bristol Palin is such a trend setter.

Or the dry cleaning.

Jason Segel seems like really great stepfather material for lil' Matilda.

Please let the Dowager run off with a lovely young man and not pass away!


They've been treating vets like shit since 1776.

I am a Military Sexual Trauma (MST) survivor. When I was raped in '99, I told my supervisor (didn't know who else to call). He came over to my barracks room with his wife. Nice people and all. He convinced me not to report for several reasons (it was almost Xmas leave time and I wouldn't have been able to go home

All I can say about "Finding Marilyn"...

Man, I almost feel proud, like a momma, watching her grow up.

Is that former cutie Ty Pennington next to Saint Gunn? Yikes.

She has butch hair. Not what the GOP wants.

Tammy, please let it go, honey.

It would be funny if North Korea kidnaps Jack (to be with his wife) and NBC/Schiendhart Wigs employs the actor who played Jack in the made-for-tv movie — his brother — as a fake Jack.