StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

Maybe it's the bleach job, but she looks like a completely different woman now.

She could have, but I wonder if it was her passive-aggressive swipe at the industry for not succumbing to the pressure to get breast implants.

Even though she is only 8, she should learn that falsifying credentials is serious business.

RE: GOOP's '99 Oscar dress...

Rubbing alcohol tastes better.

It is very, very loud out there and she asked a stupid question. I'll give Nick Nolte a pass.

Promotion for that hockey movie he's been working on.

Maybe Teens should finger bang more than having vaginal intercourse.

I think Josh Duggar's slam against special needs children is far more worthy of negative attention than his politics.

Since first watching this video a decade (!!!) ago, I knew that no one else could play Elton John other than JT.

Since first watching this video a decade (!!!) ago, I knew that no one else could play Elton John other than JT.

Does anyone have any details on this Harvard Business School program Tyra completed?

Now playing

I love the hell out of this Billy Bob song.

Now playing

I love the hell out of this Billy Bob song.

She has her father's genes.

I'm surprised Reddit (r/atheist) didn't jump all over this. But, they may be broke after raising eleventy billion dollars for Doctors without Borders.

Cincinnati Proud!

Of course Beyonce is a painter.

Is Rihanna a Mary or a Rhoda? Which one goes back to a boyfriend that tried to choke her? Was there a very special episode of Rhoda where Joe applied pressure to her left and right carotid arteries?

Because public shaming worked so well in the past? I believe that sentences for juveniles should be rehabilitative and not punitive.