StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

Maybe here?

I'd kill to be under that table.

Are they Jodie Foster's kids?

Why is Stringer Bell talking with a British accent?!!! Whaaaat?

"You wanna know what comes between me and my Pajama Jeans? Nothing."

I'm out of snacks! Guess I need to go grocery shopping.

You know you're getting old when you stop recognizing the music acts on SNL.

Why is this capable adult female still under the guardianship of her father?

It's thissssssss big.

Re: Paul Rudd. This is *literally* the best news I heard all day.

Issues like this are present in every state, not just Florida.

Take her out for a surprise lunch. Self-care is so important in her field.

Now playing

So, this song must be about Australian marijuana-induced paranoia? It all makes sense now.

I was born and raised in NY and have been living in Cinci for 4 years. I'd fucking kill for some NYC pizza. Why would you order Papa Johns if you live in the pizza capital of the world. Reminds me of tourists who come to NY and go eat at the TGI Fridays or Olive Gardens at Times Square. WTF.

It ruined Barenaked Ladies. Hope it ruins her too.

Especially long-standing bachelors.

I think that was before her whole Dancing with the Stars thang, right?

Looks like he's counting the minutes until their contract expires.

Why is Suri so mean to the Garner-Affleck children?

Bridges aren't closed for MJ, Taylor and Brando.