StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

Oh, the women do much more besides cry and cause problems while the men fight zombies with guns — they do all the laundry too. All major scenes between women folk involve someone washing laundry and the other hanging laundry.

I'm serving dinner earlier this year, just so I can make everyone clean up and I can have some time to get my drink on before Gagagiving.

Stay classy, NASCAR fans.

Oh, Dana.... If only you really felt that way.

Are you in Cinci too?

I remember sitting in the hospital with my grandmother about a year ago. She was in bed watching a rerun of 'Two and Half Men'. Wagner was a guest star. At that point she hadn't talked in about three days, but the minute she saw him she said, "Turn this off - he killed Natalie Wood."

She's probably OT-IV by now, so it probably is her. Probably wrote the code for the website while getting a pedi.

Man, I'm going to hell. That site is hysterical. All the shade she throws at Willow Smith is too funny.

Sexiest Man Alive? No one can afford to date him now.

I worked in the court system for a few years. The court rooms I have worked in have become increasingly lax with the rules, especially children. In the poor county I worked, some people had no one to watch their kid. The tot would have to come along. I used to buy crayons in bulk and pass them out to the kids

Hey kid, if you want to see dinosaurs, you'll have to go to the Creation Museum.

Should kids train hard and play Football when they aren't allowed to drink water? Can't a game be rescheduled around Ramadan?

I'm a 33 year old woman, never read those books and only know about the movie from Jezebel posts, but fuck, I squueeed too. Totally want to see it.

Guess there were some problems with the Bradley Cooper contract?

How do I get to the Disney thread?

Any Disneyheads here? My daughter is 7 and she's had an extremely tough year, bless her heart. We're going to buck tradition and take her to Disney World for the week of Xmas break. People are telling me that the crowds are bad, but how 'bad' is bad? Of course Disney isn't a band-aid for her trauma though...

Definitely a woman with a background worthy of a table flip.

99 problems but an angry hippie ain't one.

I've been with my partner for 5 years now. A year ago, my sister and his brother "fell in love", married and now have a newborn. It's pretty horrifying.
