StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)
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So they're all leaving and we'll be left with Marti Noxon and this kid?

Nothing for Treme? :( Wrong complexion, I suppose.


Yeah, I'm surprisingly impressed.

Shaving a few years off your age is nothing new.

She obviously doesn't want to burn any bridges. Although, I'd definitely burn the sheets.

I've seen this mentioned elsewhere, but can anyone confirm it: Jessica Alba was kidnapped off the set of Flipper in 1995 and later found in a vehicle.

12) Why she hates women.

She's almost 9.

One of my very good friends, an outstanding attorney no less, is currently in the middle of a situation like this. I swear, I'm more stressed out about it than she is. Long story short, 9 years ago she was saying goodbye to one lover (Bachelor #1, a part-time Z List actor/full-time partyboy) and hello to the man who


Sam and Tara would be nice endgame. Imagine their feisty little puppy children? Adorable! In the meantime, bring on some electric Tara/Pam action.

Yet, she's still driving that shitty car. You'd think she'd have a million dollars already for all the shit she's been through because of the vamps.

Can you spoilerize Bill/Portia for the folks who haven't read the books? Pretty please.

Am I the only one waiting for a Pam and Tara hookup?

What kind of alterations can you make to Kevlar? Pull at the velcro and make the vest fit.

Don't forget about the 9/11 First Responders.

I was in the military and wore protective vests — and they never once asked for our bra sizes.

Come on, I know I wasn't the only one thinking that.