StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

How could you do that to a kid?

They're going to have the most awesome wedding ever. This is the ONE celebrity wedding that I actually want pictures.

Oh, Jason Segel, I'd love you at any size.

I've looked into it and the sewing classes are offered during the day — I'm working (or posting on Jezzie at work). I've thought about just buying a sewing machine and fucking around with it until I get it right.

Fuck, I'm so jealous. Wish I knew how to do this. But even as a child, I felt like I had something to prove and took Technology/Wood Shop instead of Home Ec. Yeah, my rockets kicked ass and I won some engineering contests — but fuck, I'd love to sew a dress or at least hem my pants.

Do surrogates still get paid if there is a miscarriage?

Yeah! A Jezzie that appreciates Phish!!!

A strong majority of the Elvis cash comes from merchandise and licensing fees, not music sales.

Smells like an CBS sitcom to me....

For a moment, maybe.... but then she goes shopping.

Does Prince not know that artists have never made money through recording — the bonanza comes with touring? Phish (my favorite band, sorry) never had a big hit - or a medium mainstream hit, but they made $55+ million last summer doing about 14 shows.

It could be someone else's ass xray though.

Reason #43598349 why I don't wear make up.

Oh snap. One day I'll learn how to read.

Stories like this always end with the overzealous Wal-Mart associate being fired.

Couldn't J.Lo have someone scoop the toddler's poop out of the pool with the skimmer?

It took me a minute to realize your username was foodandshoes.

Is it borderline racist? Would he conduct himself like this and interrupt professionals on Good Morning America or Today Show?

I'm on year three here and I'm just as confused.

They're going to broadcast Lachey's wedding on the screens at Fountain Square here in Cincinnati (his hometown). Puke.