StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

I'm so happy that when I went through my youthful girly crush-phase there was no such scourge as social networking.

Rubbing alcohol, mouthwash, hand sanitizer.... plenty of ways to get drunk in a Dollar Tree.

Your mother was paid to make Fusion go away? Sounds like something concocted by Chandler Industries.

I wore maxi pads in my combat boots back when I was in the military.

They exist?

I only use Enchantment and Fusion products.

It's a hot lion. I'd hit it.


I don't think he has sexed up any of these girls in the last five years.

Inside job. They never planned on marrying. It was all a stunt orchestrated to revive a dead brand.

How did Debbie Reynolds end up with it?

I didn't know Cee Lo was a homophobe. :(

Bristol, it is okay to want sex when you're young. Don't blame it on wine coolers and skirt around rape. While Levi sounds like a real asshole, it's not fair to paint him as a rapist just because you have an image to maintain.

Inside job. He was in on it. They were never going to marry. Just a rouse to get people to talk about a dead brand.


Stop picking on Amber.

I figured it was an old photo.

I would have posted the same response, but I didn't want to out myself as a Roswell fan.

Were you a man born without hands?