StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

Hillary Swank < Michelle Williams. 'Nuff said.

Canadian Tuxedo? Wouldn't she have to wear blue denim jeans for that?

So, she wants us to believe she has more interesting sex than us - with Chris Martin? Oh, honey, you try too hard.

Beautiful dresses, but not a single gown shown is Princess worthy.

Yes, it happened early last year to my daughter while we waited for the characters from UP.

Actually, you would glance at her — even glare — especially after you've been in line with your kiddo for 45 minutes and then Gaga and her entourage coast in, forcing all the children to wait even longer. Then, when your kid is finally the next in line with here little autograph book open, the costumed character is

Take two pulls of Jäger thirty minutes prior to the scheduled meet-up.

1982. Mrs. Norton's Kindergarten class. Red Hook. A little boy pee'd his pants and I remember the teacher made him wear a Pamper's logo sandwich board sign all day. (Back when diapers came in cardboard boxes.) Poor kid. He's probably the LI serial killer now.

They weren't 'true' serial killers though (more spree killer). John Allen Muhammad's target was his ex-wife.

I bet with other guests the show staff asks them to change their clothes if their too similar to O's.

I listen to Rosie's radio show daily and this is exactly what she trying to say. Rosie's problem is that when she is heated and passionate about an issue, she fails to articulate her message correctly.

To quote Lafayette: "Bitches, you both is pretty."

Students all my dude's alma matter were in a tizzy when Condi Rice was paid $150,000 to speak.

Thank you. Just what I wanted to hear. :)

I haven't decided yet. Pushing towards replacement though...

My Mirena IUD is due for removal early next year. Can anyone share their experience with me? My experience with the IUD so far has been painless and uneventful. Starting to get anxious about the removal and what my body will go through afterwards. Wish I could just leave it in.

I grew up around there. Fly into ALB whenever I visit family.

48 hours? I wish. We were told I could leave in 24. If I stayed longer it would not be covered by my insurance. We left at 24 hours.