Mathebula might win this fight, all without really doing any damage.
Mathebula might win this fight, all without really doing any damage.
Mathebula looks like he's just doing whatever he can to try and keep Donaire away from him.
Good lord, that was a shot. He has to be done.
That's fine, but that don't mean you have to go around knowing the real names of members of the band.
That's really interesting. But I'm way more interested in why you know so much (or anything, really) about Warrant.
It's also possible that he is Meatloaf.
Nick Durandt? Was that guy in Warrant?
I don't mind loud girlfriends, so long as they aren't from New Jersey. This lady is killing me.
He doesn't have his girlfriend nagging him, so of course he's gonna perform better.
Book recommendation DUAN!
Where does Cancellara put the motor on his bike? I just don't see how he's able to hide it so well.
It's not necessarily a bad idea. I was confused by what you meant when you said, "put your jokes here" or whatever it was. Is that what the higher ups want? All the jokes in one place, and "discussion" everywhere else? The only negative is that it's gonna make it tough for us to have a circle jerk and +1 each other…
Close, but no cigar. Not what you'd expect from Clinton.
Nice try at promoting this gallery, but I doubt it'll make a big splash.
I enjoyed this. +1
Looking at that belly, it's pretty clear that Paul's efforts to end the Fed have failed.
I think I agree with you on the cheesesteak. But, the LA street dog is pretty god damn solid. Hot dog wrapped in bacon cooked on a dirty cookie sheet that's sitting on top of a sterno can. Topped with jalapenos and covered in whatever the hell else you want. Awesome.
Pablo's description of events is surprising given that it sounds like the lady is the one who was "con-sensual, personal relationship of a sexual nature."
This is seriously messed up. I haven't heard Ali called a digger since the last time my crazy redneck uncle caught a cold.
I'm a year out of law school. Just finally landed a job a month and a half ago. Don't get me wrong, I dig my job, but it definitely isn't going to pay off my debt anytime soon. The future is pretty god damn scary at this point. I concur with your "don't go to law school" statement. Unless it's what you REALLY want to…