
To show that he's really an Angel, Wilson first tweeted Jeff Mathis' phone number several hundred times.

This is seriously disappointing. Back in the day, I was constantly imagining that my hand was Ashley Judd's, and now I find out that she doesn't even write that neat. What a waste.

They continued playing after Malarchuk had his throat slit, which is probably the most gruesome sports injury of all time. I can't imagine trying to play after watching someone almost bleed out on the ice.

I cannot express how terrifying this was to watch in real time. Seeing players and fans crying lets you know that something truly awful has happened. Who knows if they're true, but reports are coming out that he's breathing again. Definitely pulling for him.

This endorsement isn't that surprising, really. Judging from the picture, Baerga is a pretty radical righty.


Now playing

I went to college with the violin player of this band. Not a cover, but some rad string metal nonetheless.

Fitting. A truck told Mark Fidrych when it was over.


You would see a small reaction — they would move because they would sense something in that area


This is nothing new for Polish kids. They're used to playing in a Pact house.

I've heard tons of stories about dirty U-12 athletes lately. Not surprising, though. This whole Sandusky thing has a lot of them terrified to shower.



I don't know why he's bragging about bronze. At the Jewish olympics, every competitor gets at least one gold medal in Never Calling Their Mother.

Even though I have nothing to do with this story, I've just gotta say that it's nice to see the Stairs fall down for once. Karma's a bitch, Stairs.

That is very funny. Thanks.

Now playing

These are my bros from college, Sleepy Sun. They're touring the US right now, and playing five or six shows at SXSW. Kind of psychedelic folky blues rock stuff. They're my friends and all, but I think they're legitimately good.

Unfortunately, Amendola got the idea to file a motion to dismiss after hearing about his client's "Rule 12."