
The Ohio DOT was also an extremely offensive prototype mascot that was, fortunately, rejected. But, unfortunately, it was rejected with the phrase, "no, they're the OTHER kind of Indians."

God damn. That movie is so good. I don't know why. It's got all the elements of a hateable movie, but it works unbelievably well. I watch it every couple of years and am just blown away by how solid it is.

Never tried Fresco. I've played a lot of Ticket to Ride, Dominion, and Pandemic with people, trying to get them into more complicated games. It's a big step from something like Ticket to Ride to Puerto Rico though.

God, I want to play Agricola so bad. I just don't know anyone that owns it and the price tag is a little steep considering I can't even convince people to play Puerto Rico.

The Jalapeno Cheetos are out of this fucking world good. They are not to be missed. Also, I hate kettle chips as a whole, but the Buffalo Bleu ones are insanely awesome.

I didn't +1 him. You think he thought that up because he's smart and whatnot, but he was actually posting from Mons Venus at the time.

That elusive star is what Gerry Sandsky calls a little boyz b-hole!!!!

If Palin's endorsement was able to kill Linsanity, just imagine what it'll do to Al Pacino's line of women's business attire.


You've gotta be careful about stepping into ABC's Kitchen on a Thursday night. There's a pretty good chance you'll be fucking furious about it six years later.

This is awesome. +1

I think he has a greyhound, actually. Or, I might be totally wrong there. There are a bunch of greyhound owners on here, though. Awesome, awesome dogs.

Yeah, that's one of my concerns about potentially getting a gun dog. Too much energy, need too much attention. Picking a dog is basically an impossible decision.

That's not too shabby. In reality, I want pretty much every kind of dog. Although that Leonberger that Barry posted today is probably tops on my list next to a Great Dane. But in non-giant dogs, it's either a GSP, Black and Tan Coonhound, or Brittany that I need.

God dammit, I want a German Shorthaired Pointer so bad.

Now playing

Man, I just got around to watching the Grammys. Anybody else notice the audio interference that sounded like Paul McCartney was ripping crazy farts? So awesome. Also, I am extremely immature.

I completely agree. I'm relatively new to it, but it is extremely entertaining.

Congrats on the star, man.


Okay, but just for clarification: if someone else makes a joke, am I allowed to make a joke in response?