
Metal gear solid 2. I beat the game in one sitting for 15 hours.

Now playing

Does a mall babe eat chilly fries... Who knows?

This just makes me miss the fantasticness in the Bad Company single player campaigns. Man did BF 3 single player campaign suck complete balls. At least the COD series sticks to a group of characters.

That would depend on if there was damage done to the reading surface.

The original poster flipped the script. I Thought this was Wii-U vs PS4 and Xbox.

Leady Go!!!

Looks like a hurricane kick

There is a website in the game that shows you where all of the stunt jump ramps are.

Did anyone here get bamboozled?

I always though Stephen was older due to the Arvin Sloan Haircut.

I always thought Evan was a little hipsterish. Green pants O_o

In the flash video, who is that dude with the big ass chin?

Despite the cool water effects there aren't any crashing waves at any of the beaches.

I move that stuff out of the way when using the kinnect

My favorite was the Hindenburg

I have The Amazing Spiderman for Xbox 360, There are still instances when you shoot webs straight up in the air with no apparent structure attached to them.

Cite an example please.

It doesn't surprise me that people wouldn't back a studio who is known for mismanagement.

I believe that networking is the way to go. Despite the prevalence of games, the industry is quite small. Getting a good word put in for you could get your Resume on the top of the stack to get reviewed by HR and the studio. Every single job I've gotten in the industry was due to me knowing someone on the inside.

Java Script really isn't that great a scripting language. Try C#