
In order to support your argument you should ask yourself how does buying used games help game development. The reason this doesn't effect Ford is because of product degradation.

You say "It's crap" but you don't have an argument supporting why it might be crap, so most people would think that what you are saying is "crap" without support for your argument.

Grenades for the real man

I always suspected that they were saying "propaganda" over and over, but I was unsure because I couldn't understand any of the other words. All I really have to say is the A box of K-bups completely restores your energy.

LOL i gotta agree there.

Believe it or not, Guitar Hero inspired me to pick up and learn to play the guitar.

You are not the only one.

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Harlem residents reaction to the Harlem Shake

If the enemy team was smart they would have tossed an EMP grenade on the bottom floor

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The Battle with gannon in Ocarina of time. Very dark and moody. I also love the psudo-choir like pads for the harmony.

One of my pre-game lobby pastimes is going through the recent players lists and reporting offensive emblems. One of my XBL friends had a penis on his emblem but that didn't stop me from reporting it. When he was banned from the emblem editor I told him that every time I see a penis I report it. He asked if I had

Gun laws don't seem to be the issue. Its a societal problem. Canada has more lax gun laws and you don't see them with the same amount of murders and killings sprees that we do.

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My first choice would have to be Borderlands 2 Pandora Park. This Tune was stuck in my friends an my head. We would often go to the Wildlife Exploitation Reserve just to hear this song.

During the cartridge era, developers actually had the luxury of manufacturing hardware accelerating add on's within the cartridge itself including things like more larger memory chips and 3D processors etc. Developers can no longer physically boost the hardware on consoles with these chips and have to completely rely

I thought Human Revolution's soundtrack was already excellent

Funk Soul Brother!

The reason is because hand drawn sprites are much more expensive to produce that 3d models

Looks like a Guile convention is underway. All you need to do now is play the Guile theme.

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I found a pretty interesting bug the other day. It looks like the dev's forgot to put collision on a ceiling and with some ingenuity some friends and I found a way out of the level. We also found an interesting area, what we dub the "PVP Arena".