
No, that’s the thing. Thinking that a person has to have a mental illness to kill themselves is a myth. About half of people who kill themselves didn’t have a mental illness. They killed themselves because their spouse left them, or a loved one died in an accident or of natural

Neither the article nor the study come close to saying “the percentage of sex offenders is the same across all races.” They don’t even discuss all races, just black men. Also, it says 1 in 119 black men in the U.S. is a registered sex offender, but according to my calculations, 1 in 149 white men in the U.S is a

Here’s a third option, genius. Predator could work with his insanely rich friend to start an organization where “human beings who have paid their legally mandated debt to society” can work, in a field where they have no access to children, where they are mandated to see a sex therapist, and are closely supervised.


Well, yeah.  All the more reason this guy should realize he should only be working somewhere he has the least possible access to children, and the greatest level of transparency and supervision.  

The demand for paying someone to have sex is far greater than the number of people who are 100% willing to do the work. Because of this, traffickers and pimps force, defraud and coerce children into it. They usually do this so they can exert the most control over them. No 11-13 year old comes up with the idea of adult

You’re assuming that the guy was suffering - why? If he had antisocial personality disorder, he could have held her captive for years and never suffered from remorse at all.  He might have killed himself after she escaped, because he knew he was going to get caught and didn’t want to face the consequences of what he

ATS sent out this announcement via email yesterday.

Dear Sangha,

Update: an announcement from Against The Stream (ATS.)

“Dear Sangha,

Thank you so much for this recommendation!

Call your mentor, my dude.  

Yeah, it’s like driving an old, beat up car that is polluting the entire neighborhood.  It gets you from point A to point B, but the diver is a dick who doesn’t look out for anyone but himself.

If the money came out of Trump’s campaign fund, it would be.


You didn’t give a damn about white people breaking that rule, did you? I used to live a few minutes away, and everyone broke that rule. FOH

You really are a smarty pants!

P.S. Not every service member engages in battle. Many service members have jobs that mean they will never get within miles of a firefight. You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. That’s why people are calling you a bigot, because the reasons you give for your opinion are erroneous.

The male community has a higher risk of suicide, so should we only accept female recruits? And the reason American citizens who are trans have higher rates of depression and suicide is because of ignorant, nasty people like yourself.

Most medical care can be classified as a “want” if you use the most strict definition. Most medical care isn’t a “necessity.” Spinal fusion surgery wasn’t necessary to keep Haute Mess alive. Should the military have refused to do Haute’s surgery and just kicked them out?

I met my main squeeze when I was 36. But even if you don’t find a life partner, that’s okay. You are amazing, and you are enough.