
A proposition for sexual intercourse would have been better because with sexual intercourse, there’s a chance in hell the woman might enjoy it! What % of women get off on watching a man masturbate?

Listen, Kinko the Kinkiest Kinkster Ever to Kink, you don’t know shit if you don’t understand Kink 101, which is “All sexual/play activities must be SAFE, SANE and CONSENSUAL.”

Why, thank you. It’s really important for a “normie” like you (someone who is not in SA/SLAA) to not overidentify with this man. Your situation is not his situation. A normie cheating is one thing. A man who has a sex addiciton, who has been in SA/SLAA for a year, and who is trying to determine whether to tell his

I’m not damning the cheating, I’m damning asking this advice columnist for advice. I’ve been in a 12 step program for 8 years. No one who is serious about recovery asks advice about recovery from an advice columnist. Real Talk. This is exactly the kind of question you ask your sponsor, who presumably knows you, who

He asked for anonymous advice because he refuses to get a sponsor and is looking for someone to cosign his BS.

“Like a hard drug user won’t remember the exact combo of drugs they did on any given day last year. They just remember being high and searching despearately for the next high.”

It’s not “who he was.” Sex addicts can become recovering sex addicts, but they’re still sex addicts. He should give his wife the choice - let her decide if she wants to know about all of his sick behavior, or not. Him deciding for her? Fuck that noise.

You know what the problem is, with these hee-larious people, these yuck-sters, these knee slapping comedians who “process grief” and “cope” by making inappropriate jokes? They don’t just tell those jokes to themselves, or to other people who they know want to hear those jokes. They tell everyone, including people

Okay, sweetheart, time to stop talking now. You’re wasting everyone’s time.

So, I didn’t say white people can’t make up for anything, or that white people can do no right. They just have to make up for atrocities in the ways indigenous people want them to. White people don’t have to do things blindly. There are plenty of indigenous people to ask.

By what definition is art supposed to move people?

The way perpetrators can support victims is by asking victims how perpetrators can support them and then doing what they say.

“MaliaObama,” you might feel differently if it was your family’s trauma that was being depicted. And if the art was created by the descendents of those who decimated your family.

It’s problematic when white people create art they think will be helpful to marginalized groups without consulting with those groups first. Those groups can tell allies what artwork white people could create that would be helpful to them. White people shouldn’t guess, they should ask.

I have a couple questions. When you said “rare, but real triggered PTSD” what did you mean?

I’m white, and I enjoy being condescended to.

Let me try.

Chicken McBooty, every American speaks “poor English” because the only proper English is British English. I’m white and every time I heard a white idiot talking about “ghetto speak” I cringe. You are racist, and you need to shut the fuck up. You’re an embarrassment.

You have never touched a boob in your entire life, have you?