
Pardon? Did you have something intelligent to say?

Did you watch the video? Your response is really irritating. First, women lose their primary and secondary sex characteristics due to cancer all the fucking time and they don’t want to kill themselves over it. Second, you didn’t watch the video. His statement about how he felt and what he wanted when the doc said

Don’t you mean clinicians do a welfare check and write a third party statement to compel the person to get a psychiatric assessment? They don’t just go straight to hospitalization without an assessment, surely.

No, that is insane. If *you* are firing a gun, it means you are fearing for your life. This dirtbag likes to repeatedly punch his pregnant daughter, throw his wife to the ground, please no contest to DV charges, be banned from owning a gun, keep one anyway and bring it with him to the goddamn Dollar General store,

Did you watch the clip? John Bobbitt said,“I didn’t want to live, at that point. Where’s the gun? How do I self terminate right now? I just wanted to end it.” Don’t you think that indicates that he thinks his dick is his “seat of power?” Without it, he wanted to die. Maybe Lorena knew that. maybe she wanted

Agreed. No one could unintentionally be so idiotic.

I work with people who have been raped, and I can guarantee you that anyone who says “Men and women both overcome difficult traumas and usually become powerful for it... rape is a very powerful mind shattering event” don’t know the first thing about trauma and people’s recovery from it. Please shut the fuck up. You

Friend, you really shouldn’t comment about things you don’t know the first thing about.

Well, I’m 43 and a woman, so I’m pretty sure I both know more men, and have dated more men than you.

Actually, lots of people think the more you whack off the more manly you are, so to them, 3X a day means they’re really manly.

P.S. The study you cited only looked at 52 people, all of whom “reported problems with controlling their urge to view sexual images.” That is a very narrow definition of sex addiction. It’s not always about looking at porn, friend. Also, only 13 of those 52 participants were women. Finally, if that study has not

Okay, stop right there. The committees who write the DSMs acknowledge that they don’t know everything. They acknowledge that what they practice is science, and as such, there are plenty of disorders out there that haven’t made it into a DSM, YET, and they acknowledge that they have been wrong in the past. (see:

My question is, do they examine every report of any crime to see who might have been drinking or having premarital sex? Or just the rape crimes?

The thing is that you have absolutely no idea what your friends do when you are not around. That’s the hardest part for guys to understand. If you want to know how a guy acts around women, you have to ask the women he works with, lives with, goes on dates with, commutes with, grew up with. Because most guys know

You’re applying a double standard to beating someone up. Both rape and beating someone up leave evidence. The difference is, when someone is beat up, everyone’s assumption is that they didn’t want to be beat up, and that they’re telling the truth.

Nicely done. :)

Which kind of nicotine delivery system smells better, to you?

It smells a lot better than any other kind of nicotine delivery system smell.

What about calling DCFS?

Yes. When you write something for a class, the presumption is that it is entirely new material. If you had asked if you could do what you did, probably most of your teachers/instructors/professors would have allowed it, but the problem is, you passed off only partially original work as entirely new work. If your