I was too. I don't think it's possible to get a battle system like that introduced fast enough into the game that it won't annoying to play it again on a second play through.
I was too. I don't think it's possible to get a battle system like that introduced fast enough into the game that it won't annoying to play it again on a second play through.
I completely disagree. Not because I adore RoF and you bashed it, but because I hate having to move at a slow pace at the beginning of some RPGs. It's just plain unbearable sometimes.
I watched someone play this for an hour or two and it looks so damn good! If anything makes me get a Vita, so far it'd be this.
Exact same feeling here.
I'm getting a bit of a Bioshock Infinite vibe from some of the visuals in that trailer.
Yeah, we have what? Just one teaser from when it was announced? And then maybe some extra tidbits of info here and there? It would be nice to see some gameplay next week.
Ah, cool. I wouldn't mind PCF taking a stab at the Gears universe. And I forgot about Fortnight, so yeah Epic is likely busy with that (and possibly other things).
I'm cringing at the co-op aspects. if this in any way affects the single player design due to trying to accommodate for co-op, I will cry.
Thank goodness! Hells yes! Perfect!
So is it possible this is being developed by PCF while Epic works on something new? I would be perfectly fine with that.
Can not wait! I wonder how it will look?
I'm optimistic it will. It did really well for Namco Bandai in Japan and I'm sure they are willing to give it a chance over here. Also, as excited as I am to see the next Tales title get announced in two days, it is a shame that we are going to be seeing the next Tales game before we even get info of Xillia coming…
Yes! Alan Wake 2, please!
Well Tales is already getting an announcement in a couple of days so I don't have any need to pick that.
I'm glad. SK deserved it. Now win back the admiration of everyone by making Eternal Darkness 2.
Haha, I was getting that Amnesia vibe too.
Well FP minus the S. I mean, as tempting as toddlers with machine guns sound, I'd much rather play as a defenseless baby. But honestly, in this case the first person perspective is beneficial to immersion, I'd say.
I really love this concept! The quality is looking pleasantly strong as well. I just hope they can continuously make you feel like you are a two-year old person rather than a two-foot tall person.
Had to go with Chrono Trigger, obviously.
Love that game!