
Did anyone else watch the Awake finale tonight? So Lynchian I loved it!

No mention of Kaim Argonar? The injustice!

No Wii Wars or Wii U Wars. I want Advance Wars and I want it on my 3DS.

Dammit, this game looks so good! Now how much is that CE going to cost?

Another multiplayer shooter? ... Geez, saying "another multiplayer shooter?" was almost as generic.


Well with regards to FF, I was referring to X and X-2 and for Zelda, Link to the Past wasn't a numbered sequel, but Zelda II was so I was referring to that.

Cliffs Notes:

"1. If the game you're about to play has a numbered sequel, play the sequel. Unlike movies, the first one usually isn't the best."

"Note: only celebrate if you call it a "giff". If you say "jiff", don't celebrate, because there is clearly something very wrong with you, and that's hardly something to celebrate."

Good luck with that, ZeniMax.

Oh man, this week's 'Shops are already so good!

Weeeeeeeeeell, fuck

Isn't it also interesting how Peter puts on an English accent while Hugh puts on an "American" one?

"feels like they removed a good portion of both the heart and grit in each character"

Well, if you think the first 3 are good then I can at least start by trying those haha. Thanks for the response!

"that show tackles the source material with ferocity and passion, turning it into something that, so far at least, is arguably more focused and enjoyable than Martin's books."

The only thing that worries me about this is that people from the Tales team are getting moved around with people from the Soul Calibur team moving into the Tales team etc. ever since the Tales Studio closed. Other than that, Hideo Baba's strong ideals about the franchise has me confident this title will turn out

The 360 controller is the most comfortable for me. The only probably is the d-pad of course, though I haven't tried the controllers with the new d-pad, so I'm not sure whether that problem has been fixed or not.

Haha, I'm not going to lie, that's delightfully humourous.