
This looks wonderful!! Me want!

When it comes to a strategy game that expects a lot of depth, a single screenshot isn't going to do us a whole lot of good. I hope to hear some more in depth explanation of this game and maybe even see some footage soon because the second I heard about this X-Com, I immediately erased the other X-Com from my mind. Is

Maybe he means in a gameplay sense

You better not think it sucks.

Sweet! I love this game. Intelligent Systems never fails! These look so well done! Time to get me these QR codes!

Fuck this. I don't like this.

It's not returning to it's roots enough for me. Also, the combat maneuvering (getting in and out of cover and rolling around) is still looking cumbersome. I couldn't stand the cover mechanics in ME2 and the added rolling mechanic looks dreadful in ME3.

:O Turn-based? Firaxis? Looks like I'm going to be taking my daily shit early today.

Was delighted when I heard this news today. This is fantastic! Now all they have to do improve visibility of the XBLIG section on Xbox Live.


Wait what!? No! I've been a little behind on my Kotaku news (haven't been on my comp much today) and almost missed this article. My goodness, Crecente! This has come as a surprise and saying it is a terrible surprise would be selfish, so good luck on your future endeavors! We're all going to miss you very much. You

Same. Not sure why that is.

That's just so damn neat! How creative!

Shadows of the Damned, where Akira Yamaoka is as perfect as always!

Yeah, it's always bothered me about the game. In fact I refused to ever play it because of that, but then I gave it a try and it's bad, but the sprites still bother me.

I highly doubt Nintendo is actually going to keep GBA games from being available for purchase on the eShop and I certainly hope they don't.

Thank goodness! I was pretty much tired of the meme after hearing it the first time. It's funny to hear in game, but I never thought it the type of funny to become a meme.

Hey thanks for putting this together!

Now playing

Going to have to go with Sword & Sworcery. What aural pleasures it give me.

Wow, it's looking great! I certainly hope it makes it's way here.