Entertainment 720 lasted longer than he did
Entertainment 720 lasted longer than he did
Fair picks, I can't complain. But I do have a slight complaint about the first category. Both Rayman Origins and Ghost Trick were critically acclaimed so underrated doesn't seem appropriate. I think it should be "Best Game No One Played" or "Most Overlooked".
I like this. While there were a fair number of great games this year that deserve some time in the spotlight and while I do agree that GOTY means "best" game to release in a given year (whether the best is still garbage or not), this was still something refreshing and interesting to read.
Haha if so, that would most definitely explain it
"but for most of 2011 the 3DS seemed more like a DS 2.5."
Yeah, he might not be a Tales fan, but I am :P I guess that's why I'm prepared to keep my expectations low with Fire Emblem 'cause I'm kind of used to it haha
I dunno. I've been following this situation since it started and I'm just weirded out by the company as a whole now. I'd never do business with them given what I've seen lately, but I hear their products are great. Hopefully another company sees an opportunity here and starts to make products like theirs so people can…
Exactly, limitations like that shouldn't effect GOTY eligibility.
Most probably. I agree about your reasoning for the 2nd DS Fire Emblem and I do have a hunch that the 3DS one will be released here, but I remain skeptical so as to not disappoint myself in the event it isn't released here.
So that should mean Fire Emblem will release in NA around August two thousand never.
But if a game is fantastic then a game is fantastic. The commercial side of things shouldn't influence a person's GOTY pick. If a dev decides to release their game on one platform (ie Sword & Sworcery) and it's great, then it's worthy of consideration for GOTY.
You didn't really address what I said, but thanks for the response.
Why the hell does it matter if not everyone can play it? Technically a lot of people all over the world can't afford a single game so are you saying there is no such thing as a GOTY?
Haha, yeah. I'm not sure why, but I went to his response first and then read the rest. It's nice to see some contrast from the editors in these GOTY arguments.
Minecraft is on that list? Isn't one of the most popular new IP's in the last 5 years or more? But at least El Shaddai and Dark Souls is on there. That's satisfying. Would have been cool to see Shadows of the Damned on there as well.
Dammit, I don't like DLC. I love Fire Emblem so it's likely I'll get the DLC for it, but I'm not going to enjoy getting it :(
Oh nice! Thanks!
Reading some of these comments makes me think this is an inkblot test.
Ugh, I have no interest in any of those, but I am pissing myself over Alan Wake: American Nightmare. Now that's a game I want!
Well if you want to look at it that way then Chain of Memories is actually the second KH, but I'm pretty sure if Nomura's team ever moves onto another major Kingdom Hearts that it will definitely be called Kingdom Hearts III regardless of the other releases.