Biggest sale yet, with some of the biggest problems yet. Hopefully they can smooth things out soon.
Biggest sale yet, with some of the biggest problems yet. Hopefully they can smooth things out soon.
With an open world and more enemy variety plus promise that there will be twisted moments like in The Writer and The Signal and tons of other great additions, this has got me giddy! Can't wait!
Excellent, thanks!
Yeah, I remember them saying that, but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they will eventually be put up for anyone to purchase.
Aw, I was hoping for a thinness comparison with the 3DS (with the 3DS closed).
Damn, but I hate the new interface so damn much. It's cluttered and feels unorganized. It takes way longer to get to basic things than it did before. And my biggest gripe is selecting games/items from the marketplace. Displaying 3-4 games/items a screen then going to the edge and moving past having all the current…
Agreed. The new interface is a mess and I can't stand it.
I can see Advance Wars instead of Fire Emblem more than Zero Mission, but I expect the list to stay the same.
No Advance Wars? I am saddened :(
I was optimistic to find out Platinum Games took over development of this. I think there's a good chance it will turn out better than before.
I'm not sure. I'm not too big a fan of the characters themselves, so I guess I didn't give the relationship between characters much thought, but I do agree that they feel well defined and have little inconsistency.
That is agreeably disturbing, but oddly enticing...
After reading what he said in the link, I must say I agree with him on the stance of Video game story telling, for the most part. But I also hope he can admit to Uncharted's lacking story/storytelling. Otherwise I will not be able to take his claims for The Last of Us seriously at all.
I didn't mean "ash" as an alternative to "ass". I might be wrong, but I thought "ash" was some kind of slang for drugs or something. If I'm wrong then nevermind.
I lot of people seem to assume "sht" is short for "shit", but maybe it's because of "ash". I don't have a 3DS myself to investigate this exceedingly troublesome matter, but may I call upon any fellow Kotakuites to see if "ash" is censored? if not then it's safe to assume "sht" is the reason.
I'm glad Mark and Tara said what they said.
I agree. It's like making the Oscars cater toward Adam Sandler fans and replacing all award presentations with commercials. It's embarrassing.
This makes absolutely no sense. The last dashboard update pissed the devs off for the same reason and so MS fixed the problems to ease the devs' concerns. Now they do it all over again? I just don't get it...
It'll probably be good given it's Platinum Games, but I thought the trailer was pretty bad. In fact, I laughed at the trailer more than anything, so maybe that's a good thing?