
I'm still trying to get past the fact that they call it Final Fantasy XI and not Final Fantasy Online and Final Fantasy XIV, not Final Fantasy Online II. I know why they called them that, but I still think it would have made for sense if they were part of a separate Final Fantasy spin-off series called Final Fantasy

"people criticize me when I say Japanese are fucked up people"

As usual Brawl is my favourite :D so cute. Some other good ones too!

Huh, never heard that one.

I'm going to have to go with that being 5 years, 7 months, and 6 days, which would make more sense given how much longer we'd have to wait.

I'm sure he meant "won", but I decided to have a little fun with his typo.

Okay, so "the next gen war will be one by someone other than Sony"? So let's make s = "something other than Sony" and n = next gen war, now we have:

It might not be in the final game, but with the countless amounts of downloadable skins Epic has for the game, why the hell not!?

Agh! I saw the picture before the headline and got a burst of excitement for a second hoping that this article was going to be about some rumour that a new Advance Wars game is in the works.

I ask that question everyday... :(

Highly doubt anyone has to wait hours. The people that wait hours just get there way too early to begin with, just for fun. Also, lots of people take work off for things like this and then stay up all night to play. LOTS of people do that.

While I wouldn't want to go to one (I'm not a fan of loud places), I don't think it's just awareness. There's lots of fans who I think enjoy going to these things too. It's probably tons of fun to them and the devs.

Never said I wasn't buying Graces f. In fact I said I AM buying it without a doubt. What I was trying to say with my original post was that I think Bamco should consider starting the localization now rather than wait until Graces f releases or else NA will fall really far behind in Tales releases and there is no

Oh don't worry I definitely will, I was just saying they shouldn't wait to see how Graces does to start the localization on Xillia so that Tales releases come faster because at this rate, the west will be so far behind in Tales releases that it might result in us missing some.

Tales of Xillia should to be released here regardless of sales because it looks too damn good, but considering those sales (which are incredible) and the fact that it's as critically acclaimed as it is, Namco NEEDS to bring it here! I need my Tales games! NEED them! So Namco, screw "waiting to see how Graces f does

I'm a huge Gears fan and would generally buy most merchandise related to it, but this is too much. If this keeps up, we'll have to start paying for patches or title updates... actually it's already sort of happening.

I don't think Cliffy needs to worry about the 8/10 scores. This always happens, near the end of a console gen or after a few games in the same franchise, critics tend to get tired of these games and it reflects in the reviews.

Wow, if that's the case then that's unfortunate. I guess one solution is to design systems to demand less energy from the battery, but that's probably tough to do quickly.

Actually putting that way, that does make a lot of sense. I'm just very demanding I suppose haha

Exactly, I was heavily considering getting it when it was on sale for $12.50, but I also knew there was a ton of DLC for it and that kind of discouraged me. But now that they are packing it together for 1 convenient price, then I think I'll just wait for the GOTY version to go on sale.