
I've been wanting this game for a while, but will there be a Civilization V: Game of the Year Edition on Steam?

Crap! We really need better batteries in these systems. I mean they're portables for a reason, aren't they?

Disgaea 3: Return is the only one that interests me from that list and it's a remake. I'm waiting for that special Vita exclusive that will make me want the system immediately.

Most of my favs are UMD only, such as Tales of Eternia, Metal Gear Acid 2, and the Star Ocean games.

Vita Japanese release date exactly 1 week after Monster Hunter Tri G releases on the 3DS? hmm....

Well these pictures make it look more comfortable than the early pics let on and it also looks not quite as awful as before, but I'm still expecting this to be built in the redesign and the redesign released next year.

Agreed. There was something really impressive and quite special about those 2d animations. I will miss them. Regardless, this game is still looking great and I hope it releases in NA, myself.

I'm looking forward to the Tales of Innocence R announcement that's rumoured for Vita, but it'll be useless if the game isn't localized to NA. Also, Tales of the Heroes for PSP's is rumoured, but I doubt it'll be localized.

The rumour is that the Vita game will be Tales of Innocence R (a remake of one of the DS Tales games that never came here) and there's another called Tales of the Heroes for PSP.

Can't wait for Paper Mario and Fire Emblem! Now where's my Advance Wars 5?!

Interesting, so this is on 360 too? Does this mean there's a chance we'll be seeing Persona 5 on something other than Playstation?

I saw a little Bourne in that


Oh! Sorry about that, the craziness of the internet caused me to assume the worse from your comment XP, but I actually got my star months ago haha I think it might have been May for being one of the winners in the photoshop contest.

Yeah, I'm hoping so too. I don't think the 3DS really needs an extra analog slider and shoulder (as nice as it can be). But if they do start put a large focus on it and more games (including ones I'd love to get) start to support it, then I'm sure a 3DS redesign would have it all built-in and with a far more appealing

Is that supposed to be an insult? If so, I really don't see how you can take offense with what I said.

Eek! That's absolutely silly looking! I was really hoping the rumours would be false, but if they were true I was picturing a way more appealing add-on than that. Damn, guess I'll just wait until they make a redesigned 3DS with that built in. I really want a 3DS, but if they start to push this a lot then it might be

Haha that's a good way of looking at it. I'm curious how exactly an add-on would work though given the 3DS's design. It'll be interesting to see what it's like if it does come about.

Well from the rumours I've heard, there might be a second analog stick add-on for present 3DS's along with a whole redesign (and maybe even re-branding which would be stupid) of the 3DS.

That's really cool. Glad to hear this even though I'm doubting there was any effect on the outcome of Limbo from investors and whatnot. But this does ensure that their future release can't really be effected... Unless they were somehow bought out eventually...