
That actually looks pretty damn impressive. But considering the developer, that wouldn't be a surprise, it's just cool that it's using the Persona property.

Well die-hard fans are willing, such as myself.

all DLC will probably end up cheaper than 2400 MSP eventually, but whatever I'm definitely getting this.

Man, I think that's the best iteration of Gridlock yet. I love the night time setting!

Aw, I love this! I'm definitely getting this!

I'm a huge fan of Tri-Ace and have been following this game closely and it looks so great! Can not wait for it!

Well this is absolutely stupid. My policy? If the seal is broken, it's now longer new.

The rumour stated it will be called "Fire Emblem: Blue Sacred Sword and Red Demon Lance" and will take place 100 years after Sealed Sword (Sword of Seals?) Which I believe was a Japanese GBA one that never released here, so it's likely a new title. But Again this is a rumour and could be way off.

Got to be careful how they address this. They could really get early adopters quite enraged if this holds true and takes action soon enough. I hope it's false personally, but it is quite believable. I sure hope this keynote event clears things up in a good way.

Well I think it's safe to say that the rumoured Fire Emblem game will be officially announced ther, but what about Advance Wars 3DS? :( pleeeeeeeease Nintendo!?

If that ever happens they will definitely NOT announce it at this event. Way too soon and Nintendo knows it. They wouldn't piss off early adopters that much.

I know that, but it's now more set piece oriented and action oriented still. Customization is nice but there is still plenty it's missing and it's vastly action based over RPG. Don't even bother mentioning the whole MP part, I already addressed that. Besides, comics, for the sake of humour, exaggerate and that's what

It really is, in my eyes, a magnificent game. It's got a very unique card-based battle system and clever puzzly sidequests with the whole blank magnus system. It's also got an interesting story and cast of characters (bad voice acting aside). The soundtrack and art direction is very gorgeous to boot. Also, the overall

All I'm saying is that ME1 was a fun RPG/TPS hybrid and then ME2 is just a TPS heavily influenced by other games with scripted events and set pieces and an over emphasis on action. Now the demoes of ME3 they've shown off are showing it's going more in that direction. Also, the customization is far less than ME1 and

Baten Kaitos has been a very important game to my life for very personal reasons and Xenoblade Chronicles is Monolith's next RPG outing that is getting tremendous praise and Nintendo is not letting it release here. I am definitely without question considering doing this.

I was saying that's where Mass Effect is heading at this rate, not Where it currently is.

Am I the only one who read "Kinect was Tested by Dropping It on Crecente" instead by mistake?

Marcus Fenix aside, Virtual Shackles got it right whether they were trying to or not. That's basically what Mass Effect is turning into.

I suppose that is something I could consider

That's very true, but it's still nice to fantasize about a 40GB sku for only $200... oh well