I use my Xbox 360 a lot. And I'm still surviving off a 20GB harddrive even after buying countless DLC's for my expansive library of games and considering I want a PS3 for select games, it is very unlikely I'd use very much space at all.
I use my Xbox 360 a lot. And I'm still surviving off a 20GB harddrive even after buying countless DLC's for my expansive library of games and considering I want a PS3 for select games, it is very unlikely I'd use very much space at all.
I'm really glad to hear this considering I've be wanting a PS3 for a while now, but I do wish there would be a $200 sku that has less storage because it'd be more affordable, of course, and because I know I won't be using anywhere near as much space as 160GB.
Wait so we're talking not being able to use any multiplayer features? Even though they marked down a few PSP games recently to 9.99 that have online MP features?
haha thanks!
Thanks! And yeah, I don't expect I'll be able to focus on very deep games for a bit, which is a bummer, but if I can have something to distract, I should be good.
Haha thanks for the explanation, I can sort of expect my experience to go the same way. I'm getting all 4 removed in this one visit and how you felt going under is probably how I'm going to feel too. Also, I can't stand medication, so the less I'm required to take the better. I will probably be sucking on a lot of ice…
the two top ones are exposed, but my two bottom ones are covered and will require cutting and I heard that can be tough for them to remove eek
Going in to get my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. I am not going to like the aftermath of this, that's for sure. Also, I find the whole process of being unconscious during the process freaky. I've never gone through anything like this before (surgeries or anything extensive that's along those lines), so this whole…
I'm trying to figure that out myself. Anyone?
I fear the overused "epic" might have to be used again to compliment this wonderfully detailed comment
That's just plain gross and disgusting, but it's at least really nice to hear of SCEE's kindness. This whole riot situation is such an unbearable mess.
Those are good points. If someone isn't even going to give something a fair chance and then condemn something entirely while putting down the people who enjoy it, then they really aren't being fair.
"—meaning, will they take the XCOM route?"
I understand that one of the points to enjoying gaming on an iOS device is for new or different experiences, but because the only control scheme that can be implemented is through the touch screen, it just makes most of the games on the platform a lot less deep and the games I enjoy the most are deep.
If someone can't overcome the limited control scheme, that doesn't really make them any less of a gamer. The games that work best with touch screen controls are the more casual games and lots of gamers can't bring themselves to play those kind of games.
"I have used it for games, or rather, tried to use it for games, for over three years now, and not once have I experienced my ‘Tetris Moment' (Gameboy) or my ‘Lumines Moment' (PSP) or my ‘Advance Wars Moment' (GB Advance)."
Most of the biggest and accomplished actors generally don't like to watch the work they're in. I don't think playing the game is going to make her get any better. Reading a script at the level of a script and interpreted it with success is quite a talent and is how you get outstanding performances. Great actors should…
Couldn't agree more!
Wait, this isn't a Mega64 video?
Huh, I wonder if his rant was anything like his character, Frank Booth, in Blue Velvet.