
June 2

@Menome: haha fair enough

Konami, that's nice and all, but what about Silent Hill?

@Menome: "Mass Effect 2 ... by far my single-player game of the year. Read Dead Redemption is only a few millimetres away"

@Pepe Thunder: Limbo is really amazing. I love David Lynch's work and Limbo is sort of a Lynch-like experience. Even if you aren't familiar with Lynch or even if you are familiar with him, but dislike his style, Limbo is still really something.

YAY! For other! The only fun/good game of the nominations was RDR, so I picked Limbo through Other.

Ugh, do we HAVE to argue for one of these games?

I'm thinking 39.99-49.99 will be the standard

Nintendo is getting there. Maybe by "Wii 2" they'll have an account based system akin to Xbox Live's and PSN's, but until then this is at least better.

Please no new consoles sooner than 2013 the earliest, please. I will most likely buy one out of hype and screw myself financially :P

Not bad, but is it really taking them that long to release Ocarina of Time 3DS? I guess this is part of their whole trying to spread out releases more. Still, would have been nice to have a big first party title from Nintendo at launch. And by big I don't mean just sales (I'm looking at you Nintendogs + cats).

Well I'm good with the consoles now. I don't want any new ones. I feel very comfortable with just buying the games I want for the console I have. Makes things much simpler.

lol! I saw this when @deadspace retweeted it on twitter a couple days ago. So funny!

I love how he mentions "the free PSN". While there is a rumour that MS hiked up it's Xbox Live subscription fee partially due to paying Activision a small portion of it, the mention of "the free PSN" almost seems like the guy is picking at the fact that Activision has less of a chance of getting some money from PSN

@relic1980: This was like reading a post from the future...

The news is so big only three dimensions can cover it all!!

@indianchan: You know you're a gamer when...

Those are some impressive nubby brick block constructions