
Ever since Hironobu left, they've made sequels to all of them. X, XI, XII, and now XIII (though XI isn't so much a sequel as it is a renumbering to XIV, but still it's basically Final Fantasy Online I &II). I don't like it, but considering (aside from maybe X) allthe first ones weren't even good, I guess i can just

Kotaku commenters sure are pac-ing in the meat... references.

Well it's true.

@ShaggE: Goes 'Ding' When There's Stuff.: I actually did do that once on hail where you can camp in those subway carts or whatever they are called and enemies have a hard time getting in but you are heavily protected and have good enough visibility for shooting them. Of course I did this on casual difficulty haha. I

I would pay attention to the debate if there were better nominations, but sadly this will make for a very boring and uninteresting debate. I mean, even if you nominated Fighters Uncaged it would be more interesting... Actually that would be extremely interesting.

LOL I was not expecting her to say WoW is one of the "violent games" haha

Black Circle: For the people who are not observant.

I agree with the multiplayer one. When the game has a beefy enough community I find multiplayer achievements tons of fun to collect (if done right), but for games like Red Faction: Guerilla (which is a great game), the multiplayer achievements are a little much. Even if RFG had a huge community some of those

without a doubt #0124 is the best one haha. I just hope they aren't showing too much footage with these. I'm really paranoid with spoilers (and to me spoilers include the littlest of details and stuff that isn't story related).

Was pretty bored looking through these ones until I hit the Snake one (#16) haha that was good. And the "Where's Waldo" one HAD to be done.

I have to say, that's pretty impressive looking. Seeing it applied to a bulky robot like that just makes it seem so unreal.

@GluttonousGamer: It's cute how you think you're better because you "knew" about the game before they did when in reality I knew about the game 7 years ago, before it existed.

@metallicorphan: lol yes, quite similar. But lucky you, you don't get sent to the #cornfield for doing this joke haha

@Dragonfang18: haha damn! beat me too it! Was going to post that one

Wow, I'm quite surprised at how good Hero was looking. If they are able to carry on with this project at some point, I hope they don't scrap too much of what they already had. It looks like it has potential.