
The "Monday"-part. The years [..., 2005, 2016, 2022 ...] have a Monday on April 11th. As previous Persona games played about one to three years in the future of their releases, I suppose this will also play a little in the future. As '22 and above are too far off and '05 is already passed, I am positive, it should be

Dude, I feel you. I say fuck it. If you want people to follow your content, tell them about it. It's one thing to post something relevant to a related article, and another to send blasts out to an entire message board everyday. I used to be very humble and meek about sharing my productions. I kind of had to force

+1 for creativity. I clicked on it 3 times before I got the joke. Doesn't speak well to my intelligence.

I might be a little sore about this whole PENDING APPROVAL thing.

Fuck, calling Discovery channel to have everyone fired.


Everyone has their own definition of fun........

Yeah because speed runs were never (and still aren't) popular with older games...

Joystiq tends to be far less political as well from what I've read. More news, less drama bullshit. Probably why it gets less clicks, tbh, which is a sad thing.

Good news! There is loads of anime and manga that is far better!

Hey Stephen, hopefully you're still reading these. Not sure how versed in the Kinja community are, but I'm the admin and more-or-less figurehead of the Ani-TAY reader-run anime blog that basically spun off of Talk Amongst Yourselves. My question stems from a common discussion that comes up in the chats some of the

oh the horror! strong female protagonists!

The pressures that mascot characters are under to retain a paying gig are horrendous.

I'll make my own Zelda New 3DS XL with Blackjack and hookers.

Eeyup, went there.

Get out!

What about the Monster Hunter 3DS it looks freaking awesome.

I view fan theories as thought problems or conspiracy theories. Mostly is just about thinking things through for entertainment. Even if there's a .000001% chance the theory is true, it's fun just to make connections and try to argue the plausibility. The key is to not take it all too serously. (Unlike some Grumpy

Then why did you click the link? Just to bitch?