
@flucky: A great question! One I will never really know the answer to....

@flucky: A great question! One I will never really know the answer to....

@flucky: A great question! One I will never really know the answer to....

Before I went to rehab I had a series of labs done and it was found that there were no traceable levels of estrogen, progesterone or testosterone in my body. My doctor said I had lower hormone levels than a 90 year old woman. (I was in my mid 30's)

Before I went to rehab I had a series of labs done and it was found that there were no traceable levels of estrogen, progesterone or testosterone in my body. My doctor said I had lower hormone levels than a 90 year old woman. (I was in my mid 30's)

oh everyone lighten up. I don't think this article is suggesting women without children ONLY gain self worth through "sparenting"- merely that it takes a fucking village to raise a kid! So if you happen to LIKE kids but don't have them or want your own you probably have some friends who would love a little help with

@PrisonBreakShaker: Of course you have the right to be angry- just like I have the right to believe that not all college boys are misogynistic rapists just because some of them are.

@Polly Pocket: Supermarket pie is an abomination. I'm so sorry! If I could I would bake you a dozen fresh pies myself. If you're ever in Indiana give me a ring.

@labeled: CRAZY AUNT KANYE: I know! My grandmother was a true feminist. She taught my Grandpa how to make her favorite pies, which he did, with love.

I'm going to need to get back in bed now, with a cold towel for my forehead, and a bottle of vodka.

"Pie will never define a happy childhood" ??? are you kidding? That's one of the most offensive things I've ever heard.

For a few weeks every spring my ex boyfriend would get up at 5am on Saturdays to go wait for the sour cherry lady at our tiny farmers market. Only a few pints were available each week-

@JennyDreadful: right?! finally someone is making sense here!!

How is cheesecake pie? It has the word cake in it.

kill me now.

who's John Mayer?

Wait a second!? Do what with the water? where? Is that what that tiny little room by the toilet is for?

@sarasasa: I hated it. Thought it was thinly veiled anti choice propaganda.....

@landsurveyorclaud002: I totally agree with you, but it doesn't change the fact that this movie sucked ass.