
Not shitty training, finely honed racism.

Trump will make your business venture even harder. You’ve chosen a man who literally sits on golden thrones to be your working class savior. Can you honestly say with any sense of certainty that Trump gives a modicum of a shit about you? He cares about himself, his ego, and expanding his empire. That’s it. He is the

What business, exactly, are you planning on going into? Can you offer even the barest explanation of which regulations would affect your plans and how?

There it is. I had to scroll a bit, but I found the Trumpologist trying to twist this back against “the mainstream media.” Well done, sir. You can go to bed satisfied that you’ve done your part to Make America Great, etc. Also, go fuck yourself.

Fuck You. Your gonna be so disappointed in the world on your death bed. All the shit you’re fight against will be the norm in 15 years. And you’ll just be the hateful old person that all the kids on the block are scared of...if you aren’t already.

I wish there was an afterlife, so you’d have to account for your general

Need the daylight. You don’t sell the stream, you sell the shimmer.

Oh piss off.

If this same shit were circulating about Hillary Clinton, trump would’ve claimed it as fact at a debate.


Urine the wrong place if you think we’re just going to ignore the sketchy nature of this report. My NUMBER ONE priority is seeking out the truth.

It may seem cliche at this point, but it bears repeating that, IF Donald Trump did hire Russian hookers to preform a golden shower, it would be the the most tremendously classy and absolutely terrific Russian hooker golden shower performance ever.

Well Melania has to do it 365 days a year

I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”

Holy crap, I can barely dress myself in clothing i buy let alone make something so detailed. My only wish is to see what they look like before the photo effects are added, but they are still amazing. Mindblowing stuff.

Well, thankfully we have Camp Pendleton to the north stopping any LA/OC sprawl from encroaching and then TJ is sort of contained by that border so we’ll be good, haha.

Wow, no it’s not. We actually have non-white people here.

Nope. My opinion is American (as in, uninformed).

A proper utility company places safety of everyone above the immediate work needs.

I’m a paramedic and have seen many people deflect blame for being the cause of other people’s pain and injury. It’s sad how little personal responsibility people are willing to take in this day and age. Put up the goddamn cones, that way EVERYONE goes home safe.