
I am in law enforcement and the military. Many of my colleagues were public, vocal, and sometimes vicious about their disdain for President Obama. I never agreed with it (politically, and in principal), but I never criticized them for their right to express it. That was their right.

Wow... I bet all those “Never Hillary” morons are so glad that their vote didn’t count and Hillary won the election anyway...

Ah, the tried and true method of prefacing your complaint with “I’m not complaining, but.” Trumpistry at its finest.

You’d think they could hear the crinkling when they move, though.

Or the Horst Wessel song.

Maybe their “colorblindness” explains their tanorexia? They lack the ability to tell when they’re so baked that it’s beginning to look tacky?

Because they are trying to look as Aryan as possible and would chug bleach if it would get them there?

But do you actually enlighten this guy? I live in Trump Country. It’s not been my experience that rational and lively debate changes minds any more than screaming, because it’s actually pretty extraordinary to change someone’s mind. That’s usually something that only comes from lived experience, not from earnest

Too late to edit but a sincere thank you, Megan Reynolds, for watching this for us and sending back a dispatch. I could not make it past the seven-minute mark without the same headache as I get when Kellyanne Conway or Mike Pence speaks. Cannot follow; does not compute. Hope you had some Advil handy.

why are the white women who “don’t see color” always looking like they fell asleep in a tanning bed tho

Yeah, I especially hate how most of these shows want to paint nice looking brick fireplaces white. Or how everyone wants an all white kitchen.

P.S. I am from central Texas, which means we drove through Waco every time we went to Dallas. The only thing I love about that town is that BEAUTIFUL collection of fast food restaurants directly across the interstate from Baylor. They had everything a hungry driver could ever want.

I am with you - open floor plans suck. They’re noisy, and they won’t let you hide your clutter. You also can’t escape your partner, roomie, or kids when you desperately need to. This is also why I think the current fad for tiny houses is stupid and unlivable in the long term.

Also, and I know because I grew up there, Waco is a shitty hellhole of despair. Really people, I cannot stress this enough, it has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I’m mystified every time someone mentions this show because I don’t care if I could buy the Taj Majal for 125K, if it’s in fucking Waco, forget it.

Am I the only person in America who isn’t enamored with open floor plans? I am all about a house having good flow, but it seems weird to me to be able to see the entirety of your main floor no matter what. Does no one ever want to watch TV or read a book without hearing the dishwasher running or kids getting food?

I’m pretty sure the common thread here is marijuana. The employees got freaked out by a customer and hid in the back: high. Dude goes to CVS in the middle of the night looking for cheese and spends 45 minutes wandering around the store: high.

Hey, I can somehow lose my slow-moving 68yo mother in the smallest of CVS stores.

Say what you will about Steve Bannon, but the beauty of his soul is only matched by his physical appearance.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

Thank god for Westworld in these dark times... it’s going in exactly the direction I hoped it would. I was worried it would collapse into Wild West Adventures-of-the-Week: I love that those are always the B or C-story, for colour, not the engine of the plot.