
As my Chinese-born wife has pointed out, there’s likely a bit of jealousy, since Mexicans can walk here. It’s really parallel to the internal migrations in China. People from small villages gravitate to the larger cities, and are, in fact, internal illegal immigrants. They don’t have permission to live or work in

My wife is from China, and she says that the comments section on a lot of Chinese-language North American news websites are full of people buying into the whole ‘invasion of Mexican illegals ruining the country’ narrative. That being said, not likely a majority, but a large percent of Chinese immigrants are what she

The word you’re looking for is ‘pleb,’ not ‘plebe.’

Plus, wealth is relative. If you’re middle class enough to be posting here, likely there’s someone broke and desperate enough to bust into your house, tie you up, and rob you.

Yeah- look at the similarities between the fundamentalist Bin Ladens and the “Duck Dynasty” clowns, right down to the rural fundamentalist drag.

I wonder why firearms weren’t involved; was this Canada?

OK, so Ted thinks Trump is going to win, after all.

Different century, different vice, same human behavior. Read any 19th century novel and it appears that similarly placed young men spent as much time playing cards.

I was already aware of this, but in reading your comment, it just depresses the shit out of me. FFS, if comic book/science fiction nerds can’t embrace diversity and see beyond skin color, how the hell are we ever going to do so as a species? I’m guessing a lot of the haters are “Star Trek” fans, too, which means they

“Schlaffly” is part of the Schwabian dialect of German. It’s a now mostly unused word for ‘a pustulent ingrown hair occurring on the buttock.’

Part of the privilege of being white, straight, and male is that you can have sex with and even marry women of color and no one cares. But just because a guy has a partner who is a minority doesn’t ‘humanize’ all the other members of her race. Just think of that old leather bag that owned the basketball team and his

Some people use their time on Earth to mature as human beings. Some don’t. My mom is 87 and her sister is 90. When I was a kid, my mom didn’t hesitate to use racial slurs, etc. Somewhere in the 1980s, she kind of clued in, and as she got older and interacted with more minority medical care givers, she really turned

The Apollo 11 lunar landing. I was 4 and a half. Next thing that really registered on my radar was Nixon resigning.

My statement about pervasive antisemitism in Poland (and, for that matter, among the Polish diaspora) comes from the fact that I’m Polish-American and have spent time in Poland. I have no idea how old you are, but I’m in my 50s and had ample opportunity to speak to WWII survivors, both Polish Gentiles and Polish Jews,

I also find it troubling that he called her by her first name. Doesn’t that sort of fail the ‘courtroom decorum’ test? She’s a fellow officer of the court.

Canada’s uniforms look like prep school uniforms. And the US uniforms look like what the rich parents of those prep students wear to the yacht club.

Did Jamie Gertz have herself cloned?

Guess it’s time for all of us liberal, college-educated suburbanites to boycott NASCAR. [crickets chirping]

I don’t think ‘avail herself’ is the phrase you’re looking for. ‘Extricate herself from?’

I believe the thinking goes that if you are white, straight, Christian, born in the US, and at least part of the shrinking middle class, if Trump gets elected, it will be little or no inconvenience to you. If you are non-white (especially Arab or Hispanic), not straight, non-Christian (especially Muslim), an immigrant