
Why is a man who has never had sex and a man who has never had sex with a woman attending the anti-abortion booth in the first photo?

I live in the Midwestern cornfield- it’s not so much that actual people reacted, as the Fox News rage machine manufactured the outrage to feed to the rubes.

There’s a very good chance that Clarence Thomas will throw himself into Scalia’s grave and just demand to be buried alive.

Read these books. I don’t often say stuff like this, but they are transformative. For a straight white guy like me, they are eye-opening and make you confront some unpleasant truths (and hopefully, make you a better human for doing so). And according to friends, if you are other-than-straight, a person of color,

I live across the main road, within walking distance, of where this happened. Our online neighborhood site (, I think), indicates to me that for people nearby, race didn’t have much of an impact. Our neighborhood is probably 45% black and about 45% white, and since the murder, every person (men, mostly)

There was no mention of the rape until the perpetrators were arrested and the sexual assault charges on the record were made public.

I just saw a great cartoon of a white guy with his feet up on the seat next to him on a train, in a car, and on a plane. Then, he’s on a crowded bus and someone wants to sit in the seat his feet are on. The caption reads something like, “When you are used to privilege, equality seems like special treatment.”

When they first introduced the Donna character, I cringed, expecting the same stereotype. And I was pleasantly surprised when her character evolved and grew. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, and thankfully, it never did.

Yeah, the stupid way the cop was holding the gun was actually the first thing that caught my eye. He was more focused on playing Jackie Chan than proper procedure, it seems to me.

Marion County in which state?

I would have thought we’d have to wait for Trump to get elected before he had stormtroopes in the White House.

I’ll be curious to see how that plays out- dead babies versus Trump/the GOP’s unrelenting anti-immigrant stance.

Considering every armed group from the Sea Peoples to the Ottomans and then some has or has tried to gain control of Malta, I’m guessing Maltese is about as patchwork a language as one can find.

I translated some screenplays and other documents from Russian into English for Academy Award winner (special effects) Robert Skotak. According to him, the flying effect of the landspeeder in “Star Wars” came directly from the 1962 Soviet science fiction film “Storm Planet.”

How old is that photo? I’ve never seen a picture of her, but I assumed she looked like the Cryptkeeper. She’s so elegant!

Without knowing any details of the feud, if you could hang out with one for the evening and bludgeon the other with a smoked ham, is there even a question which man would be hospitalized smelling of pork?

Those pesky facts!

I can’t wrap my head around Helen Mirren and Joe Pesci in a film together.

Let me help: How can man charge money for the use of God’s Earth?

Frankly, I’m surprised that her legal team filed the suit as it was- “wrongful birth,” as mentioned above, is usually reserved to pay extra medical bills when a doctor should have told the would-be parent that the child would have some sort of disability, or in some other cases, if a urologist messes up a vasectomy