It’s not amazing how a human piece of shit uses a throw-away account to post such stupidity. An asshole and a coward.
I’m straight, so who knows, but this guy has always set off my gaydar.
I taught in the DR (middle school) and had the same conversation, with the same fall out.
Yes, but doesn't King say that Roland is, essentially, a parallel Earth's Stephen King, or perhaps more correctly, that Stephen King is a parallel Earth's Roland Deschain? According to the Wikipedia article on the character, "Eddie Dean sees Stephen King as a young man and recognizes that he and Roland share many of…
Or Greek, which was more widely spoken in the Roman east.
Don't forget that it also allows one to reject those educated libruls and their 'scientific facts,' like that tobacco causes cancer or that the climate is changing due to human influence. Plus, it's the equivalent of riding the subway with your legs splayed- it's that manly, alpha-male way of projecting yourself into…
I'm a middle aged (and then some) American who will never meet either of these people. That being said, I was disappointed to think that a young woman who seems to have to much together intellectually would mix with the inbred Windsor parasites.
If you haven't yet, you should read "The Devil's Teeth."
Shoots like Legolas..... looks like Shrek.
And somewhere in an Opus Dei safehouse in metropolitan Washington, DC, Domino's Pizza millionaire Tom Monaghan sits across the table from Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Whiskey is poured. Notes are taken. An envelope of money is handed over. The word 'assassin' is never actually uttered. And wheels begin…
This is why we can't have nice things.
Not being snarky- I wish you would give the reason(s) for such an all-encompassing statement. I'm a straight guy with straight women friends who write fanfic revolving around the sex lives of male fictional characters, and frankly, I don't get it. The one straight male friend that I know who confesses to liking…
Doesn't dating Robert Pattinson count as 'mostly lesbian' anyway?
I agree with the idea that China can't weather any major economic instability. My wife (a business professor) is from China, and she says that the ruling elite are terrified of anything that will rock the boat. The whole justification for their one-party system is economic equality, which is a joke, considering the…
Playing devil's advocate here, but maybe that's because Saudi Arabia is a medieval civilization that is able to reject modernization due to its oil fortune.
One of the ironies (and missing from the 'religion' section) is that for being such a solid Catholic, Tolkien's writings opened the door for a lot of people to abandon Christianity for NeoPagan religions.
This is what would be a concern to me. I live in a neighborhood that is roughly oval shaped with no entrance/exit north, west or south, and only two streets that let out onto a main road to the east. In general, the people who live in the neighborhood drive safely. However, delivery truck drivers, lawn care and…
Excuses I've read: "Those don't count." (?!); "The devil created them to confound people." (So God is either a weakling or a prick to allow the devil to screw with people like this.) ; "Those are the remains of Cain's evil children and/or the offspring of humans who fucked demons."