
nobody who unironically uses the word “banging” in a sentence even remotely cares about music

there are many great combat games that involve killing/dying in a single hit. it’s not that the developers don’t know how to make this style challenging–it’s that they prefer padding out their games with combat that merely looks challenging but is actually just filler. 

Although thinking of the first game, I think I would actually enjoy a difficulty level like that. One solid hit kills anyone, but everything that hits you demolishes your health.

Yeah and like, there’s no easy solutions because you either like have to have a stun meter build up or something where they block or dodge all your blows until you land a finishing hit and it certainly doesn't make any sense for all storm troopers to all be CQC masters, or you manage difficulty just by increasing the

Wow, are folks still looking for reasons to give him a pass though in a sly way? T.J. Holmes is a skank and gets no sympathy from this corner. This isn’t about “employing a smear campaign” against T.J. Holmes; dude is a low-down sleazy character; he brought it on himself.  Come on folks.

This is his SECOND workplace affair. He was doing naked limbo with another married woman who worked on the show. He’s gonna have a harder time because it’s now public that he refuses to keep his dick in his pants. 

He should have anticipated the trickery & dealings of white supremacy before falling for one of its seductions or allures. I’m just sick of the betrayals and disloyalty - Black women deserve better! So I don’t give a shit what happens to T.J. Holmes at this point. Just one man's opinion.

No.  The biggest problem is that he is a lying cheating unethical dog.  You can’t blame “racism” for your self inflicted injuries.

“Here’s the thing: if this goes wrong, Holmes has a lot more to lose than Robach.”

The truly baffling American desire to police other countries.

Putin would much rather them leave. If Google were to leave, then whatever he says is “true” because Russian Search Engine says so. He could write breaking news and revision history. Also, at that point, all search ad revenue would go straight to the Kemlin.

‘Amber has not been completely cut from the film. She still has a small role.’”
Hopefully that will be a traitor to Aquaman who tries to defame him, but ultimately succumbs to that attempt.

dafuq? Reducing people down to their “fuckability” is a problem. There is a heart and a mind in that body.
Who hurt YOU, Linda?


If you’re first thought about something on first impression is if you want to fuck it, you are a degenerate loser.

If you are in the metaverse, you have already suffered a form of death

Worse. If you enter the metaverse, you die inside.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” - Arthur C. Clarke

Yeah, this pretty much sums up America:

1. Conspiracy to commit wire fraud against Theranos investors: Guilty