

No lies detected.

She speaks for the Administration, not herself. And saying abortion instead of pro choice gives the Republicans this talking point:

Good, glad they aren’t saying abortion. You say abortion and idiots just shut the fuck down and start screaming “THINK OF THE BABIES”. You mention reproductive healthcare and people are much more likely to listen.

The counter-point to this is a Republican fundraising ad that’s just a supercut of every administration member saying the word “abortion”. If you’re explaining, you’re losing. Why give ammo to the right when you can instead make the clear, true, and important point that attacks on abortion rights are attacks on

Whoa. When did you get the PS4?

Anybody who ever thought Donny cared about anybody other than Donny gets exactly what they deserve. I don’t care if you were his Chief of Staff or just some poor, dumb, white trash that he suckered into buying a steak. If you couldn’t tell from the start that loyalty was a one way street with him, then you are too

Naw, they know. Depending on who you talk to, Israel is the coddled lamb that will be sacrificed to trigger Teh Rapture*, the model religious apartheid state they hope to turn America into, or both.


When I heard those lyrics I had to google what a G6 is, because I knew she sure as hell couldn’t have been singing about the Pontiac.

There is definitely a cynical voice in my head that suspects the timing of this violence coincides quite conveniently with the election cycle for leaders on both sides.  

If I miss even one dinner I change into my feathered shoulder pads.

It really feels that one good EMP that shutdown services for even only a week would reduce our society to a Mad Max scenario.

“Most of us agree that what was said in the store was deeply offensive and disgraceful,” Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University told AP, “but the First Amendment is designed to protect unpopular speech.

Until the /s, I was going to use you as the reason for why we need downvote buttons

I thought the purpose of timeshares was so you could attend a 2-hour presentation in exchange for some sweet, sweet free Disney tickets?

You must be new to the internet.

Just a reminder, the affluenza kid basically got off

Did Drew ask her about her belonging to a cult that destroys families, forces abortion on women and enslaves people?

I guess there are many paths that Bill Gates could take. Or Jeff Bezos. Or Warren Buffet. Or Musk. They could hoard most of (or all of) their wealth and pass it on to their children and spouses/girlfriends. They could fund a new building at a famous university or hospital so that they can slap their family moniker on