

Just rename Race to Ribbed

I see your point, but think about the Jeep Wrangler: More evolution than revolution. The shell is familiar, but the bones are still all new. I think the lesson learned is if its not broke, dont fix it.

When my grandmother had my mom the nurses asked if she wanted to see her, and she was “no.” lol That was just my grandmother, though. She loved all of her kids, but by the time she’d got around to my mom she was just kind of done with the whole theatrics of birth. Plus, she really wanted a boy, which she finally got

Why the fuck should I be upset with Bib Woodward for revealing what I already knew?!? It was all out there. Focusing on Woodward plays right into President Dumb Fuck Drama Queen’s little Vienna-sausaged fingered hands.

The only thing the tapes make clear is that he doesn’t have ignorance as an excuse, it was pure malice aforethought.

Less test = fewer cases

Didn’t Jalopnik recently argue that police should no longer perform traffic stops?

The state of North American roads is getting so bad that eventually the actual chasms in the asphalt will necessitate speeds high enough to make the jump.

This made me laugh.

Go to the dentist.

Oh thank Jezeus....I thought it was just me.

Wha...what did I just read? Am I now officially an old as a Millennial? I recognize all of the words, but not in the order in which they’re placed.

respect my rights and no one else’s

She was using the site for the purpose it was designed for, “stars” to sell exclusive content to fans who’ll pay.

It is insane to lump all police together as if they are one person.

If they have to cancel the season, then cancel it. This is bigger than basketball. Sterling Brown and Thabo Sefolosha could’ve met the same fate as Blake, Floyd, or any other black man or woman who was unfortunate enough to cross paths with a law enforcement officer. And to think they were ‘lucky’ to get away with

The purse.

Having read a lot of his writing and that of his wife, I tend to believe the allegations against him. Also, claims about Chua advising women to “look like models” for Kavanaugh during his hearings suggest that both Jed and Amy share a deeply troubling view of women’s value in the world. That said, we should all be

Yeah she walked it her way. And got paid to do it. I think that makes you the bitch here.