
I feel “influencers” should be punished more severely to show how they’re held to a higher standard than other players. 

Man those quotes are such garbage.

Why should the race always go to the quick? Or the Jumble to the quick-witted? I say, cheating is the gift that man gives to himself!”

a) he cheated so he should get banned

This is a good, positive take.

Pointing out that you should be really careful about taking nude photos in this age isn’t really victim blaming, it’s just true.

If you actually listened to everything Obama said, you probably wouldn’t be so pissed off, because what he actually said was that calling people out over insignificant things and doing nothing else didn’t count as activism. And he’s right.

Well, reducing your readership to 0 is one way to address the autoplay video complaints.

Fuck that's unsettling. Splinter disappears, Deadspin butchered. I hope a good chunk of the writers can find eachother somewhere after all is said and done.

So they wiped all comments from Deadspin this afternoon.

Wow, is it this time of year already? OK, I’ll go:

Oh god, another “Mission Accomplished” moment. Remember how things changed after Bush “won” the war in Iraq, or when Obama got Bin Laden.?

There’s a tweet for everything.

Hey. I didn’t hear that Bin Laden was crying like a little baby. Why? Because he was not scared of Obama. He fought back. They had to kill him. Bagdaddy blew himself up when he heard Trump was here. He heard the name Trump and boom! Just like that. It’s like I killed him myself. Which I would have if they let me. But

Horse Horse?

1 million dollars times 42 million people is 42 trillion dollars.

The answer was literally The Answer this time. 


Equally shocking: most black Americans are in favor of reparations. It’s almost like people enjoy getting money, but hate giving it away.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”