
It's what Lovecraft described as "the Heynong look".

Martha McSally is going to be remembered as one of the biggest fails in Senate history. There hasn’t been a Democratic Senator from Arizona in 25 years, until Krysten Sinema beat McSally outright in 2018. Then Doug Ducey tried to make her feel like notaloser by giving her John Kyle’s old seat, and now Mark Kelly is

They should be locked up, as I’m pretty sure brandishing a deadly weapon, unprovoked, is a fucking crime. Also, you could make a pretty decent argument that if anyone of the protesters had been carrying (concealed carry is legal in Missouri with the appropriate permits) they would have been justified in firing at

Fantastic reporting. You did a great job demonstrating that police response to minority subgroups is directly related to said subgroup’s fealty to power. When otherwise gender-conforming, wealthy white people ask for something for which there is no zero-sum tradeoff, police and society as a whole are only too happy to

It took what it always takes: getting hit close to home. He had to sit in a NICU (much like I had around the same time frame) and see all these other families just like his but without the benefit of all his money. Hours sitting in a chair with another family just across a curtain talking to social workers and

Stewart explained that The Daily Show had a blind hiring policy, which at the time producers thought meant no one could accuse them of being racist or sexist.

I loved it in its heyday and Jon Stewart revolutionized the gig, but honestly, a lot of his work hasn’t held up. I watched an old clip about police killings the other day and it was pretty painful to see how flippant Stewart was with the material. Don’t get me wrong, I give him endless credit for bringing serious

This is what racist, hyper-capitalistic societies reap. I was also in a similar position (not hounding book sellers, but trying to buy from predominantly black-owned bookstores). The books were either back-ordered, out of stock, or unavailable at all. Certainly discrimination is at the root of this: black-owned

If anyone needs more convincing that Hollywood does a bad job of representing anyone who isn’t a cis white man I ask you to look at every category that isn’t acting. I think the only other categories (in the Oscars, not the SAG Awards) that routinely have better representation is Original Song (but not Original

I know I sounded irritated, but I really, really really need to get my copy of White Fragility!

Heres a good question.  What political film has become the most dated because of recent politics?  I'm voting for Face in the Crowd.  In the movie the villain gets caught and his supporters turn on him.  That film was derided back in the day for being too cynical.  Now its an optimistic fantasy to believe supporters

I don’t know since it’s on some cable channel at least once a week.

Public Enemy are imperishable rap gods and arguably the most important hip hop group of all time. The recent tabloid BS and publicity stunts they’ve been going through have been a real distraction during this global dumpster fire we’re all living through and I’m glad they’re back! Long overdue (even though they’ve

Apple TV Executive #417 ~“We make things for dads.”

I would like to gently push back on the idea that the writer’s friend was necessarily all that progressive. Some “liberals” are people who are more enamored with an inner narrative where they are persecuted, brave truth-tellers who stand against the idiot mob, than they are of really walking the talk of progressive


UFC has weight classes to prevent any large women, cis or trans, from competing against someone much smaller. Which you knew when you made this disingenuous post in the first place. That’s something any sane person can recognize.

I mean, in the letter itself it says that she pretty patiently HAD those good faith discussions:

“Instead, point out how boring it is to think people should be punished if they don’t conform. How tedious it is to think that the contours of your own thought enclose all that is worth knowing. How embarrassing it is to be cruel.”