
We haven’t been talking a lot about that period of Occupy. I think that when we look at how social movements develop, Occupy gave us new vocabularies. We began to talk about the 1 percent and the 99 percent. And I think that has something to do with the protests today.

Tim Allen invented cancel culture when he snitched on the other people he sold cocaine with.

The absolute worst people in the Very Online Left have been holding him up as some kind of martyr and I’m convinced it’s why he got back in the race. He’s too young and inexperienced to realize they don’t give a shit about him or his election, they’re just using him as the newest thing they can own the libs with.

Corporate was a good show that will hopefully get picked up by a major streaming service when it’s all done. This, Detroiters and Review are all shows that prove Comedy Central did in fact make good new shows this decade, they were just hard to actually find.

Did you mean to respond to my comment? It looks like this was supposed to go elsewhere.

I agree and at no point did I say otherwise. 

You can’t point out to where I said he deserved to hold or even run for office, because I didn’t.

Yeah, “it is possible for a 19 year old who has done horrible things to grow and change, but not while holding office” quickly became “I fuckin love this guy and his crimes” to some people.

“It’s been five years, that was almost two whole phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe ago, can’t you just get over it?”

I don’t think this guy is irredeemable.

Speech had really big “I can’t be a feminist because I for one don’t think everyone should be forced to abort their small businesses paying for your STEAK & LOBSTER with MY tax dollars lol triggered much” Facebook post energy.

Trump also told them it would really own the libs if they chanted “twelve more years,” so the independent, free-thinking Intellectual Dark Webbers did that.

Can somebody explain to me how Kamala Harris is an African American?

He’s definitely right to promote a national mask mandate. That’s what any sane country would have already done by now.

It really was jarring (in a good way) hearing that speech and contrasting it with the idea of Trump even attempting to do the same thing.

Why does it automatically mean someone is “bratty” or “pouting” if they treat Joe Biden like anything less than a conquering hero who will swoop in on a white horse to save us all? I don’t understand this need for constant hero worship some liberals have.

It WAS a fine speech, and he deserves credit for it. I also enjoyed the video packages last night that were actually about him and his story more than the ones from Wednesday, where they highlighted a bunch of progressive policy ideas and then awkwardly shoehorned him in at the end. I actually prefer when they’re able

I hope they vote for Biden on election day. That’s what I’ll be doing, so I don’t know what your comment about me wanting to throw away the Supreme Court even means.

If the enemy of my enemy supports 99% of what my enemy does but just doesn’t like how obvious they are about it, they’re not much of a friend.

He’s a lot less popular with Democrats who are currently alive in 2020 than the same people doing “purity tests” are, so I’m not sure you’re as in step with where most Dems are currently at as you think.