
I genuinely hope that it does strengthen post-2020. But when the GOP immediately forgets about the entire last four years (which they will pretend to do the second there’s a new president) and uses culture war bullshit/The Ever-Growing Deficit to reclaim their credibility (and the media is going to be all too willing

Except if there’s a Democratic controlled House and Senate, it will be noticeably further left than it was during Obama’s first two years. The Blue Dogs are mostly gone and the median congressional Democrat is more progressive than in 2008.

Anyway, I don’t know how we get beyond this. I’ve been trying to tell more liberal people, that the media, with the death of the Fairness Doctrine and rise of the Internet, we can essentially choose the reality in which we live.

Part of the reason there are so many more conservative Dems than there are liberal Republicans (an honest to God thing that really used to exist, went extinct around the time rabbit ears on a TV became obsolete) is because you have to appeal to a much broader ideological range.

to others who think every white woman is the enemy because that’s so easy than to consider each person on their own merits.

Cool, then there’s nothing to worry about. Everyone who voted for a Democratic House candidate in the midterms is now a permanent part of the Democratic coalition. Nothing left to do except sit back and watch demographics become destiny. We got the big midterm win that put Pelosi in the Speaker’s chair, now it’s time

For a guy who has had his current level of fame for over two decades, he’s insanely thin-skinned. He’s been mad at an internet message board for criticizing something he did in 2002 (and rapped about it on College Dropout like it was something to brag about!) He used to spend entire days going after obvious bots and

This was an interesting interview that I enjoyed reading about a movie you couldn’t pay me to watch again. Just the most unlikable shitheads you went to school with being shitheads and doing shithead things until someone rapes an HIV+ girl, the end.

All of these will be out in theaters before New Mutants, which is apparently some sort of elaborate prank financed by 20th Century Fox at the expense of comic book dorks and a few young actors.

It took me a long time to learn some of the lessons in this piece. “Having a conversation” isn’t inherently a bad thing. In fact, you could argue it’s necessary, as that’s where everything starts. But the “conversation” never goes anywhere, the subject drops out of the news and people are expected to just think back

I didn’t start watching until either the second or third season was on air, and I was pleasantly surprised by the first season. It probably could’ve done with fewer total episodes, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting with the brutal reaction I saw online at the time.

Loved Black Star, Train of Thought, Ear Drum, people gave Quality shit, too, but it had some legit great songs on there. But Kweli’s always given off some incel-ish vibes. Will never forget that he had a verse on a 4x platinum album (College Dropout) where he talked shit about birth control patches and complained that

She definitely sounds like a seeker. A lot of times this just leads to people bouncing around various (mostly harmless) new age theories for self improvement, but it also leads to people joining hate movements and cults. She reminds me of a less whiplash-inducing Cassandra Fairbanks.

I keep forgetting she was the titular Mother on How I Met Your Mother. Really hope this can be a breakout role for her.

The stories about Ellen being a shitty boss that have come from hundreds of people over a period of many years aren’t the same thing as Pizzagate.

If Biden wins and Dems retake the Senate, she needs to retire the day after Biden’s inaugurated. She should’ve done it back in 2013, but there’s really no excuse for her to still be on the court this time next year (again, provided that November works out favorably.)

RIGHT? I haven’t read the original, but I’ve read enough Frank Miller that I can assume she ends the story doing sex work in exchange for swords, so she can betray Arthur before being brutally murdered.

It was indeed sarcasm.

Nick Cannon 100% has a copy of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in his home.

They should be outraged. As they’ve pretty consistently said, the way to defeat bad ideas isn’t to deplatform the people holding them, it’s to give them lots of exposure so they can be defeated in Vigorous Debate.