
Design-wise, I think it needs side scoops, similar to how the '65-'66 GT350s had them.

Well, sounds like they're trying to hypnotize you to play the game, literally.

Completely stock? I'd say Ford Pintos. The only ones left seem to be drag cars with beefy V8s dropped in them.

Because this turned out SO well for Ford with Edsel.

I hear from the other replies that the painting and refinishing only hides it, but would it be worth it for an apartment if the landlord isn't going to update the kitchen anytime soon?

I REALLY want to make a film, but my vision involves specific music. Copyrighted music. Which immediately pushes this out of budget. :/

You can certainly buy a bundle of gas for $8000. A gaggle of gasoline? A mustering of gasoline?

I have two possibilities Both of which I grew up in:


This is kinda what I envisioned a Freedom Fighters sequel looking like back in the day.

Some models look fantastic, but usually have stripes to balance the white.

The brake score seems a little high for the way you describe them.


So you believe that just letting it be legal then would have stopped the huge lopsided flow of wealth from China that led to its virtual colonization or fixed its general decline in productivity and foodstuff farm space that led to a decline in Chinese living standards and increase in food prices? That any of this

Yes, the one where:

How did Hennessy get around the tire problem?

Have you ever READ Chinese history?

Is 'counterfeit' the right word for this? I think it's more along the lines of 'fragile' or 'flimsy', but 'counterfeit' makes it seem like they used Play-doh to impersonate plastic. If it is plastic, it's not masquerading as plastic...